1 /*  START OF:       rdm_forward_invocation.incl.pl1           *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  */
 3 /* Structure used internally by the read_mail forward sub-request-loop */
 5 /* Written: 07 Oct 1983 by B. Margolin */
 7 dcl 1 rdm_forward_invocation            aligned based (rdm_forward_invocation_ptr),
 8       2 type                            char (8),
 9       2 sci_ptr                         ptr,
10       2 rfso_ptr                        ptr,                /* -> rdm_forward_subsystem_options */
11       2 rdm_invocation_ptr              ptr,                /* for the read_mail that created this forwarding invocation */
12       2 area_ptr                        ptr,
13       2 text_buffer,
14         3 buffer_ptr                    ptr,
15         3 buffer_used                   fixed bin (21),
16       2 flags,
17         3 debug_mode                    bit (1) unaligned,
18         3 fill                          bit (1) unaligned,
19         3 enter_request_loop            bit (1) unaligned,
20         3 auto_write                    bit (1) unaligned,
21         3 pad                           bit (31) unaligned,
22       2 fill_width                      fixed bin,
23       2 temp_seg_ptr                    ptr,
24       2 abort_code                      fixed bin (35);
26 dcl rdm_forward_invocation_ptr          ptr;
27 dcl RDM_FORWARD_INVOCATION              char (8) int static options (constant) init ("rdmfwdin");
29 /*  END OF:         rdm_forward_invocation.incl.pl1           *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  */