1 /*        Begin  include file rcp_tape_info.incl.pl1
 2    *
 3    *      Created on 12/16/74 by Bill Silver.
 4    *      Modified on 11/17/78 by Michael R. Jordan to add speed qualifier.
 5    *      Modified on 09/30/82 by J. A. Bush for version 3 structure info
 6    *      This include file defines the RCP device info structure for tapes.
 7 */
 8 /* format: style4 */
10 dcl  tape_info_ptr ptr;                                     /* Pointer to tape device info structure. */
12 dcl  tape_info_version_2 fixed bin internal static options (constant) init (2);
13 dcl  tape_info_version_3 fixed bin internal static options (constant) init (3);
15 dcl  1 tape_info based (tape_info_ptr) aligned,             /* RCP device info structure for tapes. */
16        2 version_num fixed bin,                             /* Version number of this structure. */
17        2 usage_time fixed bin,                              /* Number of minutes drive will/may be used. */
18        2 wait_time fixed bin,                               /* Number of minutes user will/must wait. */
19        2 system_flag bit (1),                               /* ON => user wants to be a system process. */
20        2 device_name char (8),                              /* Tape drive name. */
21        2 model fixed bin,                                   /* Tape drive model number. */
22        2 tracks fixed bin,                                  /* Track type, 7 or 9. */
23        2 density bit (36),                                  /* Density capability: 200, 556, 800, 1600, 6250. */
24        2 speed bit (36),                                    /* Speed: 75, 125, 200. */
25        2 unused_qualifier bit (36),                         /* Unused qualifier (must be "0"b). */
26        2 volume_name char (32),                             /* Tape reel name. */
27        2 write_flag bit (1),                                /* ON => writing on tape reel. */
28        2 position_index fixed bin (35),                     /* Counter used to determine tape reel position. */
30 /* Limit of version 2 structure, info below returned if version 3 or greater */
32        2 volume_type fixed bin,                             /* Use rcp_volume_formats.incl.pl1 for decodes */
33        2 volume_density fixed bin,                          /* 1 - 5 = 200, 556, 800, 1600, or 6250 BPI */
34        2 opr_auth bit (1);                                  /* "1"b => Operator Authentication was required */
36 /*        End of include file ... rcp_tape_info.incl.pl1    */