1 /*        Begin  include file ... rcp_meter_info.incl.pl1
 2    *
 3    *      Created on 01/13/74 by Bill Silver.
 4    *      This include file defines the metering information needed by RCP.
 5    *      Note, this include file references rcp_com_seg.incl.pl1.
 6 */
 7 dcl  rmi_ptr ptr;                                           /* Pointer to RCP meter info structure. */
 8 dcl  mdtype_ptr ptr;                                        /* Pointer to a device type entry. */
 9 dcl  mdevice_ptr ptr;                                       /* Pointer to a device entry. */
11 dcl 1 rmi based (rmi_ptr) aligned,                          /* RCP Meter Information structure. */
12     2 head like rmi_header,                                 /* Header for this structure. */
13     2 rcs_lock_info like lock_info,                         /* Lock meters for RCS. */
14     2 rcpd_lock_info like lock_info,                        /* Lock meters for RCPD. */
15     2 mdtypes (0 refer (rmi.tot_mdtypes))                   /* An array of device type entries. */
16      like mdtype,
17     2 mdevices (0 refer (rmi.tot_mdevices))                 /* An array of device entries. */
18      like mdevice,
19     2 end bit (36);                                         /* Dummy used to find end of RMI. */
21 dcl 1 rmi_header based aligned,                             /* Header for RCP Meter Info structure. */
22     2 version_num fixed bin,                                /* The version number of this structure. */
23     2 tot_mdtypes fixed bin,                                /* Number of device type entries. */
24     2 tot_mdevices fixed bin;                               /* Number of device entries. */
26 dcl 1 mdtype based (mdtype_ptr) aligned,                    /* Entry for one device type. */
27     2 device_type char (32),                                /* Name of this device type. */
28     2 num_devices fixed bin,                                /* Number of devices of this type. */
29     2 histo_times (3) fixed bin;                            /* Used to compute histograms for this device type. */
31 dcl 1 mdevice based (mdevice_ptr) aligned,                  /* Entry for one device. */
32     2 device_name char (32),                                /* Name of device associated with this entry. */
33     2 dtypex fixed bin,                                     /* Device type index. */
34     2 error_count fixed bin (35),                           /* Total error count, defined by user ring. */
35     2 num_assigns fixed bin (35),                           /* Total # of times device assigned & unassigned. */
36     2 tot_assign_time fixed bin (71),                       /* Total time that device was assigned. */
37     2 time_assigned fixed bin (71),                         /* Time device assigned during current assignment. */
38     2 histogram (4) fixed bin;                              /* Assignment time histogram. */
40 /*        End of include file ... rcp_meter_info.incl.pl1   */