1 /*        Begin  include file ... rcp_list_info.incl.pl1
 2    *
 3    *      Created on 01/29/75 by Bill Silver.
 4    *      Changed on 04/02/76 by Bill Silver to add lv entries.
 5    *      Modified on 12/09/78 by Michael R. Jordan to add reservation information (version 3).
 6    *      Modified 8/81 by M.R. Jordan to expand reservation information (version 4).
 7    *      This include file defines arrays of entries that contain information
 8    *      about the resources that a process has assigned and attached.
 9 */
10 dcl  rli_ptr ptr;                                           /* Pointer to base of RCP list structure. */
11 dcl  dassign_ptr ptr;                                       /* Pointer to a device assignment entry. */
12 dcl  attach_ptr ptr;                                        /* Pointer to an attachment entry. */
13 dcl  lv_ptr ptr;                                            /* Pointer to an lv entry. */
14 dcl  device_resv_ptr ptr;                                   /* Pointer to a device reservation entry. */
15 dcl  vol_resv_ptr ptr;                                      /* Pointer to a volume reservation entry. */
17 dcl  rli_version_4 fixed bin internal static init (4);
19 dcl 1 rli based (rli_ptr) aligned,                          /* Base of RCP list structure. */
20     2 head like rli_header,                                 /* header of structure. */
21     2 dassigns (0 refer (rli.head.num_dassign))
22      like dassign,                                          /* An array of device assignment entries. */
23     2 attaches (0 refer (rli.head.num_attach))
24      like attach,                                           /* An array of attachment entries. */
25     2 lvs (0 refer (rli.head.num_lv))
26      like lv,                                               /* An array of lv attachment entries. */
27     2 device_resvs (0 refer (rli.head.num_device_resv))
28      like device_resv,
29     2 vol_resvs (0 refer (rli.head.num_vol_resv))
30      like vol_resv,
31     2 end bit (36);                                         /* Dummy used to reference end of structure. */
33 dcl 1 rli_header based aligned,                             /* Header of RCP list info structure. */
34     2 version_num fixed bin,                                /* Current version number.  Now = 1. */
35     2 num_lv fixed bin,                                     /* Number of lv attachment entries. */
36     2 num_dassign fixed bin,                                /* Number of device assignment entries. */
37     2 num_attach fixed bin,                                 /* Number of attachment entries. */
38     2 num_device_resv fixed bin,                            /* Number of devices reserved. */
39     2 num_vol_resv fixed bin;                               /* Number of volumes reserved. */
41 dcl 1 dassign based (dassign_ptr) aligned,                  /* Structure of a device assignment entry. */
42     2 device_name char (8),                                 /* Device name. */
43     2 dtypex fixed bin,                                     /* Device type index. */
44     2 model fixed bin,                                      /* Device model number. */
45     2 num_qualifiers fixed bin,                             /* Number of device qualifiers. */
46     2 qualifiers (4) fixed bin (35),                        /* Device qualifiers. */
47     2 state_time fixed bin (71),                            /* Time assignment put into current state. */
48     2 state fixed bin,                                      /* Current state of assignment. */
49     2 level fixed bin,                                      /* Current validation level. */
50     2 disposition bit (36),                                 /* Disposition of assignment. */
51     2 flags,
52      (3 attached bit (1)) unaligned,                        /* ON => device is attached. */
53     2 rcp_id bit (36),                                      /* RCP ID for this assignment. */
54     2 usage_time fixed bin,                                 /* Number of minutes device may be assigned. */
55     2 wait_time fixed bin;                                  /* Number of minutes user must wait for assignment. */
57 dcl 1 attach based (attach_ptr) aligned,                    /* Structure of an attachment entry. */
58     2 device_name char (8),                                 /* Name of attached device. */
59     2 volume_name char (32),                                /* Name of attached volume. */
60     2 dtypex fixed bin,                                     /* Device type index. */
61     2 state_time fixed bin (71),                            /* Time attachment put into current state. */
62     2 state fixed bin,                                      /* Current state of this attachment. */
63     2 level fixed bin,                                      /* Current validation level. */
64     2 flags,                                                /* Info flags. */
65      (3 priv bit (1),                                       /* ON => attached with privilege. */
66       3 writing bit (1)) unal,                              /* ON => attached for writing. */
67     2 rcp_id bit (36),                                      /* RCP ID for this attachment. */
68     2 workspace_max fixed bin (19),                         /* Max size of IOI workspace buffer. */
69     2 timeout_max fixed bin (52),                           /* Max IOI time-out interval. */
70     2 ioi_index fixed bin,                                  /* Index used to communicate with IOI. */
71     2 usage_time fixed bin,                                 /* Number of minutes device may be attached. */
72     2 wait_time fixed bin;                                  /* Number of minutes user must wait for attachment. */
74 dcl 1 lv based (lv_ptr) aligned,                            /* Structure of an LV entry. */
75     2 volume_name char (32),                                /* Logical volume name. */
76     2 state_time fixed bin (71),                            /* Time lv attached for process. */
77     2 rcp_id bit (36);                                      /* RCP ID for this lv attachment. */
79 dcl 1 device_resv based (device_resv_ptr) aligned,          /* Structure of a device reservation. */
80     2 reservation_id fixed bin (71),
81     2 reserved_by char (32),
82     2 dtypex fixed bin,
83     2 device_name char (8);
85 dcl 1 vol_resv based (vol_resv_ptr) aligned,                /* Structure of a volume reservation. */
86     2 reservation_id fixed bin (71),
87     2 reserved_by char (32),
88     2 vtypex fixed bin,
89     2 volume_name char (32);
91 /*        End of include file ... rcp_list_info.incl.pl1    */