1 /* BEGIN INCLUDE FILE rcp_account_msg.incl.pl1    B. Greenberg 8/1/77 */
 3 dcl 1 rcp_account_msg based aligned,                        /* Message format */
 4     2 device_user_procid bit (36),                          /* id of process using the device */
 6     2 rcp_data_relp bit (18) unal,                          /* Ptr to rcp_data entry for device */
 7     2 devtype fixed bin (8) unal,                           /* rcp device type involved */
 8     2 pad bit (6) unal,
 9     2 action fixed bin (2) unal;                            /* see below... */
11 dcl (
12      RCP_ACCTMSG_assign init (0),
13      RCP_ACCTMSG_unassign init (1),
14      RCP_ACCTMSG_attach init (2)
15      ) options (constant) fixed bin (17) static;
17 /* END INCLUDE FILE rcp_account_msg.incl.pl1 */