 2 /* Begin include file ...... rcerr.incl.pl1 */
 8   1) change(1988-07-27,Farley), approve(1988-10-05,MCR7968),
 9      audit(1988-10-10,Beattie), install(1988-10-14,MR12.2-1166):
10      Added new rcerr_addscu_memoverlap error code.
11   2) change(2021-12-23,Swenson), approve(2021-12-23,MCR10107),
12      audit(2021-12-23,GDixon), install(2022-01-04,MR12.8-1018):
13      Add new error code to signal that user lacks permission to set required processor for ISOLTS.
14                                                    END HISTORY COMMENTS */
18 /* These are the reconfiguration error codes. */
19 /*        Created 4/5/76 by Noel I. Morris        */
20 /* Modified 5/25/78 by J. A. Bush to add ISOLTS  reconfig error codes */
21 /* Modified 5/79 by BSG for port expander */
23 dcl (rcerr_addcpu_no_response init (1),                     /* no response from CPU */
24      rcerr_addcpu_bad_switches init (2),                    /* CPU config switches set improperly */
25      rcerr_addcpu_trouble init (3),                         /* trouble fault adding CPU */
26      rcerr_addcpu_startup init (4),                         /* startup fault adding CPU */
27      rcerr_addcpu_lockup init (5),                          /* lockup fault adding CPU */
28      rcerr_addcpu_gcos init (6),                            /* attempt to add processor in GCOS mode */
29      rcerr_addcpu_amoff init (7),                           /* attempt to add processor with assoc mem off */
30      rcerr_addcpu_enable init (8)                           /* controller port for CPU not enabled */
31      ) fixed bin static options (constant);
33 dcl (rcerr_delcpu_no_stop init (1),                         /* CPU did not stop running */
34      rcerr_delcpu_last init (2),                            /* attempt to delete last CPU */
35      rcerr_delcpu_no_good_blcpu init (3)                    /* no suitable bootload CPU left */
36      ) fixed bin static options (constant);
38 dcl (rcerr_addscu_size init (1),                            /* memory size discrepancy */
39      rcerr_addscu_dup_mask init (2),                        /* duplicate mask assignment */
40      rcerr_addscu_no_mask init (3),                         /* no mask assigned to CPU */
41      rcerr_addscu_bad_mask init (4),                        /* mask assigned to non-CPU port */
42      rcerr_addscu_fault init (5),                           /* fault trying to add controller */
43      rcerr_addscu_switches init (6),                        /* some active module has incorrect switches */
44      rcerr_addscu_enable init (7),                          /* some active module not enabled */
45      rcerr_addscu_manual init (8),                          /* 4MW SCU is in manual mode */
46      rcerr_addscu_oldexpand init (9),                       /* Adding 6000 SCU with port expander */
47      rcerr_addscu_bigconfig init (10),                      /* SCU has less memory than config cards say */
48      rcerr_addscu_memoverlap init (11)                      /* SCU has possible memory address overlap */
49      ) fixed bin static options (constant);
51 dcl (rcerr_delmain_nomem init (1),                          /* not enough main memory left */
52      rcerr_delmain_abs_wired init (2)                       /* abs wired pages in memory */
53      ) fixed bin static options (constant);
55 dcl (rcerr_locked init (12),                                /* database already locked */
56      rcerr_online init (13),                                /* device already online */
57      rcerr_no_config init (14),                             /* device not in configuration */
58      rcerr_not_online init (15),                            /* device not online */
59      rcerr_range init (16),                                 /* request is out of range */
60      rcerr_sprq_failed init (17)                            /* could not set CPU required */
61      ) fixed bin static options (constant);
63 dcl (rcerr_isolts_locked init (1),                          /* reconfig_lock locked to another process */
64      rcerr_isolts_illegal_cpu init (2),                     /* illegal cpu tag */
65      rcerr_isolts_cpu_online init (3),                      /* requested cpu is online */
66      rcerr_isolts_no_config init (4),                       /* requested cpu is not configured */
67      rcerr_isolts_two_scu init (5),                         /* Must have at least two SCUs to run ISOLTS */
68      rcerr_isolts_illegal_scu init (6),                     /* illegal scu tag */
69      rcerr_isolts_bootload_scu init (7),                    /* requested scu is the bootload memory */
70      rcerr_isolts_scu_not init (8),                         /* requested scu is not configured */
71      rcerr_isolts_not init (9),                             /* requesting process is not ISOLTS process */
72      rcerr_isolts_wrong_cell init (10),                     /* interrupt answered in correct scu but wrong cell */
73      rcerr_isolts_wrong_scu init (11),                      /* interrupt answered in wrong scu */
74      rcerr_isolts_wrong_scu_cell init (12),                 /* interrupt answered in wrong scu on wrong cell */
75      rcerr_isolts_no_response init (13),                    /* No response to a processor start interrupt */
76      rcerr_isolts_bad_switches init (14),                   /* read switch data is not in expected format */
77      rcerr_isolts_lda_fail init (15),                       /* A LDA 2 did not operate correctly */
78      rcerr_isolts_no_str_flt init (16),                     /* No store falt when a LDA 64k was executed */
79      rcerr_isolts_no_mask init (17),                        /* No mask set for test cpu */
80      rcerr_isolts_sprq_failed init (18)                     /* could not set CPU required */
81      ) fixed bin static options (constant);
83 dcl 1 switch_w1 aligned based,                              /* template for switch word 1, when containing diagnostic info */
84    (2 cell fixed bin (5),                                   /* interrupt cell being used */
85     2 errtag fixed bin (5),                                 /* tag of scu in error */
86     2 valid bit (1),                                        /* if on then offset field is valid */
87     2 pad bit (5),
88     2 offset bit (18)) unaligned;                           /* offset of error if any */
90 /* End of include file ...... rcerr.incl.pl1 */