1 /*        BEGIN INCLUDE FILE ... pvt.incl.pl1 ... last modified January 1982 */
 4 /* The physical volume table (PVT) is a wired-down table.
 5    It has one entry for each spindle present, be it for
 6    Storage System or "I/O" use.
 7 */
 9      dcl     pvt$                   ext,
10              pvtp                   ptr;
13      dcl     1 pvt                  based (pvtp) aligned,
15                2 n_entries          fixed bin (17),         /* number of PVT entries */
16                2 max_n_entries      fixed bin (17),         /* max number of PVT entries */
17                2 n_in_use           fixed bin (17),         /* number of PVT entries in use */
18                2 rwun_pvtx          fixed bin,              /* rewind_unloading pvtx */
19                2 shutdown_state     fixed bin,              /* state of previous shutdown */
20                2 esd_state          fixed bin,              /* state of ESD, >0 iff in ESD */
21                2 prev_shutdown_state fixed bin,             /* shutdown state of previous bootload */
22                2 prev_esd_state     fixed bin,              /* ESD state of previous bootload */
24                2 time_of_bootload fixed bin (71),           /* Time of bootload */
25                2 root_lvid          bit (36) aligned,       /* Logical volume ID of Root Logical Volume (RLV) */
26                2 root_pvid          bit (36) aligned,       /* Physical volume ID of Root Physical Volume (RPV) */
27                2 root_pvtx          fixed bin,              /* Index to PVTE for Root Physical Volume (RPV) */
28                2 root_vtocx         fixed bin,              /* VTOCE index for root (>) */
29                2 disk_table_vtocx   fixed bin,              /* VTOCE index for disk table on RPV */
30                2 disk_table_uid     bit (36) aligned,       /* File System UID for disk_table */
32                2 rpvs_requested     bit (1) aligned,        /* RPVS keyword given on BOOT */
33                2 rpv_needs_salv     bit (1) aligned,        /* RPV required (not requested) salvage */
34                2 rlv_needs_salv     bit (1) aligned,        /* RLV required (not requested) salvage */
35                2 volmap_lock_wait_constant bit (36) aligned,/* For constructing wait event: OR pvte_rel into lower */
36                2 volmap_idle_wait_constant bit (36) aligned,/* For constructing wait event: OR pvte_rel into lower */
37                2 vtoc_map_lock_wait_constant bit (36) aligned, /* For constructing wait event: OR pvte_rel into lower */
38                2 n_volmap_locks_held fixed bin (17),        /* Current number of volmap locks held */
39                2 n_vtoc_map_locks_held fixed bin (17),      /* Current number of VTOC Map locks held */
41                2 last_volmap_time   fixed bin (71),         /* Time a volmap was last locked/unlocked */
42                2 last_vtoc_map_time fixed bin (71),         /* Time a VTOC Map was last locked/unlocked */
43                2 total_volmap_lock_time fixed bin (71),     /* Total time volmap's were locked (integral) */
44                2 total_vtoc_map_lock_time fixed bin (71),   /* Total time VTOC Maps were locked (integral) */
46                2 n_volmap_locks     fixed bin (35),         /* Number times a volmap was locked */
47                2 n_vtoc_map_locks   fixed bin (35),         /* Number times a vtoc_map was locked */
48                2 volmap_lock_nowait_calls fixed bin (35),   /* Number calls to lock volmap, no wait */
49                2 volmap_lock_nowait_fails fixed bin (35),   /* Number times lock failed */
50                2 volmap_lock_wait_calls fixed bin (35),     /* Number calls to lock volmap, wait */
51                2 volmap_lock_wait_fails fixed bin (35),     /* Number times lock failed */
52                2 pad (2) bit (36) aligned,
54                2 array              fixed bin (71);         /* Array of PVTE's -- must be double-word aligned */
58 /*        END INCLUDE FILE ...pvt.incl.pl1 */