1 /* BEGIN INCLUDE FILE ... ptw.l68.incl.pl1 ... 02/26/81, for ADP conversion */
 2 /* Note: This include file has an ALM counterpart made with cif. Keep it up to date */
 4 dcl 1 l68_core_ptw aligned based (ptp),                     /* In-core page descriptor */
 5     2 frame fixed bin (14) unsigned unaligned,              /* Core frame number */
 6     2 pad1 bit (4) unaligned,
 7     2 flags unaligned like l68_ptw_flags;
 9 dcl 1 l68_ptw aligned based (ptp),                          /* General declaration for out-of-core PTW */
10     2 add bit (18) unaligned,
11     2 flags like l68_ptw_flags unaligned;
13 dcl 1 l68_special_ptw aligned based (ptp) like l68_ptw;     /* Page is somewhere peculiar -- add_type = "01"b */
14 dcl 1 l68_real_disk_ptw aligned based (ptp) like l68_ptw;   /* PTW for page actually on disk -- add_type = "10"b */
15 dcl 1 l68_null_disk_ptw aligned based (ptp) like l68_ptw;   /* PTW for page not yet on disk -- add_type = "11"b */
17 dcl 1 l68_ptw_flags unaligned based,                        /* Various software/hardware flags */
18    (2 add_type bit (4),                                     /* 0000=null, 1000=core, 0100=disk, 0010=pd, 0001=swap */
19     2 first bit (1),                                        /* the page has not yet been written out */
20     2 er bit (1),                                           /* error on last page I/O (also used by post-purge as temp) */
22     2 pad1 bit (1),
23     2 unusable1 bit (1),                                    /* can't be used because hardware resets this bit */
24     2 phu bit (1),                                          /* page has been used bit */
26     2 phm1 bit (1),                                         /* Cumulative OR of hardware phm's */
27     2 nypd bit (1),                                         /* must be moved to paging device */
28     2 phm bit (1),                                          /* page has been modified bit */
30     2 phu1 bit (1),                                         /* page has been used in the quantum */
31     2 wired bit (1),                                        /* page is to remain in core */
32     2 os bit (1),                                           /* page is out-of-service (I/O in progress) */
33     2 valid bit (1),                                        /* directed fault if this is 0 (page not in core) */
34     2 df_no bit (2)) unaligned;                             /* directed fault number for page faults */
36 /* END INCLUDE FILE ... ptw.l68.incl.pl1 */