1 /* Begin include file ...... prt_order_info.incl.pl1 */
 2 /*        Created 3/15/77 by Noel I. Morris       */
 4 dcl  orderp ptr;                                            /* pointer to order info structure */
 6 dcl 1 counts based (orderp) aligned,                        /* structure used in "get_count"  order */
 7     2 line fixed bin,                                       /* line number */
 8     2 page_length fixed bin,                                /* length of page */
 9     2 lmarg fixed bin,                                      /* left margin indentation */
10     2 rmarg fixed bin,                                      /* line length */
11     2 line_count fixed bin,                                 /* count of lines printed */
12     2 page_count fixed bin;                                 /* count of pages printed */
14 dcl 1 position_data based (orderp) aligned,                 /* structure for "get_position" & "set_position" orders */
15     2 line_number fixed bin (35),                           /* current line on the page */
16     2 page_number fixed bin (35),                           /* current page number */
17     2 total_lines fixed bin (35),                           /* lines printed since reset */
18     2 total_chars fixed bin (35),                           /* chars processed since reset */
19     2 pad(4) fixed bin;                                     /* for the future */
21 dcl 1 page_labels based (orderp) aligned,                   /* structure used in "page_labels" order */
22     2 top_label char (136),                                 /* label for top of page */
23     2 bottom_label char (136);                              /* label for bottom of page */
25 dcl  channel_stops (256) bit (16) based (orderp) unal;      /* structure used in "channel_stops" order */
27 dcl 1 paper_info based (orderp) aligned,                    /* structure used in "paper_info" order */
28     2 phys_page_length fixed bin,                           /* physical page length */
29     2 phys_line_length fixed bin,                           /* physical line length */
30     2 lines_per_inch fixed bin;                             /* lines per inch spacing */
32 dcl  ret_error_count fixed bin based (orderp);              /* variable used for "get_error_count" order */
34 /* End of include file ...... prt_order_info.incl.pl1 */