 2 /* BEGIN INCLUDE FILE ... prt_conv_info.incl.pl1 */
 3 /* Modified: 12 September 1980 by G. Palter */
 7   1) change(87-05-10,Gilcrease), approve(87-07-31,MCR7686),
 8      audit(88-02-01,Farley), install(88-02-02,MR12.2-1019):
 9      Add modes.line_nbrs, flags.(eol eof)  bits for eor -nb.
10                                                    END HISTORY COMMENTS */
13 dcl  pcip ptr;                                              /* pointer to conversion info structure */
15 dcl 1 pci based (pcip) aligned,                             /* printer conversion info structure */
16     2 cv_proc ptr,                                          /* pointer to character conversion procedure */
17     2 lmarg fixed bin,                                      /* left margin indentation */
18     2 rmarg fixed bin,                                      /* right margin limit */
19     2 page_length fixed bin,                                /* number of lines on page */
20     2 phys_line_length fixed bin,                           /* physical width of paper */
21     2 phys_page_length fixed bin,                           /* physical length of paper */
22     2 lpi fixed bin,                                        /* lines per inch */
23     2 sheets_per_page fixed bin,                            /* sheets of paper per logical page */
24     2 line_count fixed bin,                                 /* count of converted lines */
25     2 page_count fixed bin,                                 /* count of converted pages */
26     2 func fixed bin,                                       /* special conversion function */
27                                                             /* 0 => normal conversion */
28                                                             /* 1 => change NL to FF */
29                                                             /* 2 => change NL to top inside page */
30                                                             /* 3 => change NL to end of page */
31                                                             /* 4 => change NL to top of outside page */
32     (2 modes,                                               /* conversion modes */
33      3 overflow_off bit (1),                                /* "1"b to suppress end of page overflow */
34       3 single_space bit (1),                               /* "1"b to change all forms advance chars to NL */
35       3 non_edited bit (1),                                 /* "1"b to print ASCII control chars */
36       3 truncate bit (1),                                   /* "1"b to truncate lines that are too long */
37       3 esc bit (1),                                        /* "1"b to process ESC character */
38       3 ctl_char bit (1),                                   /* "1"b to output control characters */
39       3 line_nbrs bit (1),                                  /* "1"b to output line numbers */
40       3 pci_pad bit (5),
41     2 flags,                                                /* flags internal to prt_conv_ */
42       3 ignore_next_ff bit (1),                             /* ON => prt_conv_ just output a FF; ignore next character if
43                                                                it's a FF */
44       3 eol bit (1),                                        /* "1"b = end-of-line encountered */
45       3 eof bit (1),                                        /* "1"b = end-of-segment encountered */
46       3 flags_pad bit (3),
47     2 coroutine_modes,
48       3 upper_case bit(1),                                  /* "1"b to convert to upper case */
49       3 ht bit(1),                                          /* "1"b to skip tab conversion */
50       3 coroutine_pad bit(13),
51       3 slew_table_idx bit(3) ) unal,                       /* slew table index */
52     2 top_label_line char (136),                            /* contains an optional top of page label */
53     2 bot_label_line char (136),                            /* contains an optional bottom of page label */
54     2 top_label_length fixed bin,                           /* length of top label line */
55     2 bot_label_length fixed bin,                           /* length of bottom label line */
56     2 form_stops (256) unal,                                /* logical form stops */
57       3 lbits bit (9),                                      /* leftmost bits */
58       3 rbits bit (9),                                      /* rightmost bits */
60 /* The following items are for internal use by the print conversion procedure.
61    They should be zeroed once and then never referenced again.                  */
63     2 level fixed bin,                                      /* overstrike level */
64     2 pos fixed bin,                                        /* print position at end of incomplete line */
65     2 line fixed bin,                                       /* current line number */
66     2 slew_residue fixed bin,                               /* number of lines remaining to be slewed */
67     2 label_nelem fixed bin,                                /* characters remaining in label */
68     2 label_wksp ptr,                                       /* pointer to label being processed */
69     2 sav_pos fixed bin,                                    /* position saved during label processing */
70     2 esc_state fixed bin,                                  /* state of ESC processing */
71     2 esc_num fixed bin,                                    /* number following ESC sequence */
72     2 temp bit (36);                                        /* conversion proc temporary */
74 /* End of include file ...... prt_conv_info.incl.pl1 */