1 /* BEGIN INCLUDE FILE .. projfile.incl.pl1 */
 2 /* Modified by T. Casey April 1976 to change disk_infs (obsolete) to dir_disk_use */
 3 /* Modified 1984-07-09 BIM for dir_disk_quota, version */
 4 /* Modified 1984-09-14 BIM for reasonable array size */
 6 dcl 1 projfile based (pp) aligned,                          /* Project history file */
 7     2 nproj fixed bin (35),                                 /* number of entries */
 8     2 version fixed bin,
 9     2 projfilexx0 (6) bit (36) aligned,
10     2 projfiletab (3000),                                   /* in seg limit */
11       3 id char (12) unal,                                  /* project ID */
12       3 title char (52) unal,                               /* project title */
13       3 inv char (32) unal,                                 /* name of principal investigator */
14       3 inv_addr char (32) unal,                            /* address */
15       3 sup char (32) unal,                                 /* name of supervisor */
16       3 sup_addr char (32) unal,                            /* address */
17       3 sup_phone char (16) unal,                           /* telephone */
18       3 on fixed bin (71),                                  /* date on */
19       3 off fixed bin (71),                                 /* date off */
20       3 disk_psec fixed bin (71),                           /* project disk page-seconds */
21       3 disk_quota fixed bin (35),                          /* project disk quota */
22       3 dir_disk_quota fixed bin (35),                      /* project dir disk quota */
23       3 disk_use fixed bin (35),                            /* total segment pages used */
24       3 dir_disk_use fixed bin (35),                        /* total directory pages used */
25       3 misc_charges float bin,                             /* manuals, etc */
26       3 n_misc fixed bin,                                   /* number of entries */
27       3 processed fixed bin,                                /* temp for usage-report */
28       3 pad bit (36) aligned;                               /* out to even number of words */
30 dcl  loph int static fixed bin (17) options (constant) init (8), /* lth of projfile header */
31      lope int static fixed bin (17) options (constant) init (66); /* lth of projflile entry */
33 dcl PROJFILE_VERSION fixed bin init (3) int static options (constant);
35 /* END INCLUDE FILE ... projfile.incl.pl1 */