1 /*        BEGIN INCLUDE FILE ... probe_modes.incl.pl1
 3    this structure is part of the per-user data base, which alledgedly is
 4    kept in person_id.probe  no probe code other than probe_modes_mgr_
 5    should set these modes, or refer to them BY NAME in communication
 6    with the user  I do not even promise a one-to-one correspondance
 7    between the modes the user can set and the names here
 9    James R. Davis 12 July 79 */
10 /* Added meter 09/23/82 S. Herbst */
11 /* Added truncate_strings 05/21/84 S. Herbst */
14 dcl 1 probe_modes aligned based (probe_info.modes_ptr),
15     2 len_modes,
16       3 error_messages fixed bin,                           /* for use by probe_error_ */
17       3 qualification fixed bin,                            /* for use by probe_print_value_ */
18       3 value_print fixed bin,                              /* for probe_print_value_ */
19       3 pad (5) fixed bin,                                  /* for use by probe_mxyzptlk */
20     2 value_separator char (32) varying,
21     2 bits,
22       3 use_exclude_names bit (1) unal,
23       3 debug_modes_set bit (1) unaligned,                  /* whether any of the *MAGIC* modes are set */
24       3 ignore_faults bit (1) unaligned,
25       3 octal_bitstrings bit (1) unal,                      /* for Olin Sibert */
26       3 catch_errors bit (1) unaligned,                     /* calls to probe_error_ will call cu_$cl */
27       3 catch_error_once bit (1) unaligned,                 /* next call to probe_error_ will call cu_$cl */
28       3 debug_breaks bit (1) unaligned,                     /* causes various things to happen at breakpoints */
29       3 use_prompt bit (1) unaligned,                       /* whether to use the prompt */
30       3 debug bit (1) unaligned,                            /* controls printing of random debugging information */
31       3 meter bit (1) unaligned,                            /* controls printing of time, vcpu, pf's at halt */
32       3 truncate_strings bit (1) unaligned,                 /* controls value req printing only 1st 200 chars/bits */
33       3 pad bit (25) unaligned;
35 dcl (BRIEF_mode_type init (1),
36      SHORT_mode_type init (2),
37      LONG_mode_type init (3)) fixed bin internal static options (constant);
39 /* END INCLUDE FILE ... probe_modes.incl.pl1 */