1 /*  Begin include file  ...  pps_control_block.incl.pl1  */
 4 dcl  ppscb_ptr ptr;
 6 dcl 1 ppscb aligned based (ppscb_ptr),
 7     2 version fixed bin,                                    /* should be 1 */
 8     2 name char (32),
 9     2 cv_ppscb_version fixed bin,
10     2 job_name char (17),
11     2 pause bit (1),
12     2 pps_only bit (1),
13     2 vfu_tape_code char (1),
14     2 job_description char (40),
15     2 stacker_algorithm fixed bin,
16     2 primary_character_generator fixed bin,
17     2 fixed_print_algorithm_code fixed bin,
18     2 paper_width fixed dec (4, 1),
19     2 sheet_length fixed dec (4, 1),
20     2 lines_per_inch fixed bin,
21     2 num_copies fixed bin,
22     2 num_copies_before_blanking fixed bin,
23     2 character_size fixed bin,
24     2 code_conversion fixed bin,
25     2 preprinted_form_number fixed bin,
26     2 toner_configuration fixed bin,
27     2 routing_placement_control fixed bin,
28     2 punch_code fixed bin,
29     2 forms_control (93) fixed bin (8) unal,
30     2 page_format (210) aligned,
31       3 operation fixed bin (3) unal,
32       3 line_num fixed bin (8) unal,
33       3 char_num fixed bin (8) unal,
34     2 routing_count (29) fixed bin,
35     2 routing_data char (1024);
38 dcl 1 DEFAULT_PPS_CONTROL_BLOCK aligned static internal options (constant),
39     2 version fixed bin init (1),                           /* should be 1 */
40     2 name char (32) init (""),
41     2 cv_ppscb_version fixed bin init (1),
42     2 job_name char (17) init (""),
43     2 pause bit (1) init ("0"b),
44     2 pps_only bit (1) init ("0"b),
45     2 vfu_tape_code char (1) init ("a"),
46     2 job_description char (40) init (""),
47     2 stacker_algorithm fixed bin init (0),
48     2 primary_character_generator fixed bin init (0),
49     2 fixed_print_algorithm_code fixed bin init (0),
50     2 paper_width fixed dec (4, 1) init (11.0),
51     2 sheet_length fixed dec (4, 1) init (8.5),
52     2 lines_per_inch fixed bin init (8),
53     2 num_copies fixed bin init (1),
54     2 num_copies_before_blanking fixed bin init (0),
55     2 character_size fixed bin init (0),
56     2 code_conversion fixed bin init (3),
57     2 preprinted_form_number fixed bin init (0),
58     2 toner_configuration fixed bin init (0),
59     2 routing_placement_control fixed bin init (2),
60     2 punch_code fixed bin init (0),
61     2 forms_control (93) fixed bin (8) unal init ((2)0, 1, (90)0),
62     2 page_format (210) aligned,
63       3 operation fixed bin (3) unal init ((210)0),
64       3 line_num fixed bin (8) unal init ((210)0),
65       3 char_num fixed bin (8) unal init ((210)0),
66     2 routing_count (29) fixed bin init ((29)0),
67     2 routing_data char (1024);
70 /*  End include file  ...  pps_control_block.incl.pl1  */