1 /*********** Start of pnotice.incl.pl1 ***********/ 2 /* */ 3 /* This include file contains the structure of the protection notice */ 4 /* as it will appear in library archives and bound units */ 5 /* -Written by R. Holmstedt and J. Stansbury 05/13/81 */ 6 7 8 9 dcl 01 pnotice_sti aligned based (P_pnotice_sti), 10 02 Vpnotice_sti_1 fixed bin, /* version of the incl file */ 11 02 Npnotice fixed bin, /* number of pnotice templets used */ 12 02 Nsti fixed bin, /* number of STI' s */ 13 02 Lpnotice fixed bin, /* total char's of all the notice's */ 14 02 pnotice char (0 refer (pnotice_sti.Lpnotice)), /* NOTICE */ 15 02 STI (0 refer (pnotice_sti.Nsti)) char (12); /* product STI */ 16 17 dcl P_pnotice_sti ptr; 18 dcl Vpnotice_sti_1 fixed bin int static options (constant) init (1); 19 20 /*********** End of pnotice.incl.pl1 ***********/