1 /*        BEGIN INCLUDE FILE ... pcb.incl.pl1 */
 6   1) change(88-06-15,Berno), approve(88-07-13,MCR7928),
 7      audit(88-06-15,Parisek), install(88-07-19,MR12.2-1061):
 8      Add data needed for the uncp multiplexer (DSA gateway) interface
 9      implementation.
10                                                    END HISTORY COMMENTS */
13 /*  Created 08/14/78 by Robert S. Coren */
14 /*  Modified 02/19/80 by Robert S. Coren to add read_first & read_last */
15 /*  Modified 12/10/80 by Robert S. Coren to add metering stuff */
16 /*  Modified May 1981 by Robert S.Coren to add tandd_attached flag */
17 /*  Modified in February 1982 to add: dumpout, turn, enter_receive_pending,
18              connection_type, send_lf, extra_nl,lfecho flags for DN7100 */
20 /* Describes physical channel blocks for FNP channels */
22 dcl  n_pcbs fixed bin;
23 dcl  pcbp ptr;
25 dcl 1 pcb_array (n_pcbs) based aligned like pcb;
27 dcl 1 pcb aligned based (pcbp),                             /* physical channel block declaration */
28     2 channel_desc unaligned,
29       3 devx fixed bin (17),                                /* index of LCT entry */
30       3 subchan fixed bin (7) unaligned,                    /* logical subchannel/lsla slot # correspondence */
31       3 line_number unal,                                   /* regular line number */
32         4 is_hsla bit (1) unaligned,                        /* on if hsla, off if lsla */
33         4 la_no bit (3) unaligned,                          /* line adapter (high or low speed) number */
34         4 slot_no bit (6) unaligned,                        /* physical slot or subchannel number */
35     2 write_first fixed bin (17) unaligned,                 /* offset of first buffer in output chain */
36     2 write_last fixed bin (17) unaligned,                  /* offset of last buffer in output chain */
37     2 baud_rate fixed bin (17) unaligned,                   /* baud rate of channel */
38     2 line_type fixed bin (17) unaligned,                   /* line type */
39     2 max_buf_size fixed bin (17) unaligned,                /* largest buffer to be allocated for output */
40     2 write_cnt fixed bin (17) unaligned,                   /* number of characters in write chain */
41     2 flags unaligned,
42       3 listen bit (1),                                     /* channel is ready for dialup */
43       3 dialed bit (1),                                     /* channel is dialed up or connected */
44       3 send_output bit (1),                                /* channel is ready for output */
45       3 high_speed bit (1),                                 /* needs large send_out threshold */
46       3 sync_line bit (1),                                  /* synchronous channel */
47       3 end_frame bit (1),                                  /* channel is waiting for formfeed */
48       3 hndlquit bit (1),                                   /* channel in hndlquit mode */
49       3 breakall_enabled bit (1),                           /* breakall mode allowed for this channel */
50       3 output_mbx_pending bit (1),                         /* A wtx mbx has been sent, but not relinquished */
51       3 copied_meters_ready bit (1),                        /* copy_meters operation has completed */
52       3 get_meters_waiting bit (1),                         /* waiting for get_meters operation to complete */
53       3 tandd_attached bit (1),                             /* this channel is in use by T & D */
54       3 enter_receive_pending bit (1),                      /* enter_receive is waiting for send */
55       3 turn bit (1),                                       /* Multics owns the turn */
56       3 extra_nl bit (1),                                   /* add NL at end of buffer  (read) */
57       3 send_lf bit (1),                                    /* send lf after read  */
58       3 lfecho bit (1),                                     /* Validate lfecho mode */
59       3 dumpout bit (1),                                    /* To purge first write after special dial */
60       3 buffer_flag bit (1),                                /* Utilisation of a buffer in place of the circular buffer. */
61       3 connection_type bit (2),                            /* For full-duplex */
62       3 padb bit (6),
63       3 uncp_pcbx fixed bin (9) unal uns,                   /* To manage the full duplex with the datanet 7100 */
64     2 read_first fixed bin (18) unsigned unaligned,         /* head of read chain (while reading from FNP) */
65     2 read_last fixed bin (18) unsigned unaligned,          /* tail of read chain (likewise) */
66     2 saved_meters_ptr pointer unaligned,                   /* pointer to (unwired) copy of meters at last dialup */
67     2 copied_meters_offset fixed bin (18) unsigned;         /* offset in tty_buf of buffer meters copied to */
69 /* END INCLUDE FILE ... pcb.incl.pl1 */