1 /****     BEGIN INCLUDE FILE wstdefs.h                                       */
  4   1) change(87-03-13,Wallman), approve(87-03-13,MCR7586),
  5      audit(87-07-16,Flegel), install(87-08-07,MR12.1-1072):
  6      First release
  7   2) change(88-08-09,Lee), approve(88-05-16,MCR7897), audit(88-09-19,Flegel):
  8      Separated redefinitions of ctype.h defines
  9      and placed them in separate include file "wsttype.h"; added
 10      miscellaneous defines used.
 11                                                    END HISTORY COMMENTS */
 13 /* Function:
 14     This include file defines constants and structures used in WSTERM.
 15 */
 17 #ifndef WSTDEFS
 18 /* Constant definitions and structure skeletons for WSTERM */
 20 /* ASCII characters and definitions */
 22 #define BEL                                       '\007'    /* ASCII BEL */
 23 #define BSP                                       '\010'    /* ASCII BS */
 24 #define CR                                        '\015'    /* ASCII CR */
 25 #define DEL                                       '\177'    /* ASCII DEL - Default char erase */
 26 #define ESC                                       '\033'    /* ASCII ESC */
 27 #define HT                                        '\011'    /* ASCII HT */
 28 #define KILL                                      '\100'    /* ASCII AT - Default line kill */
 29 #define LF                                        '\012'    /* ASCII LF */
 30 #define LNC                                       '\134'    /* ASCII \ - Default literal next char */
 31 #define NL                                        '\012'    /* ASCII NL */
 32 #define NUL                                       '\000'    /* ASCII NUL */
 33 #define ASCII_DEL                       127                 /* ASCII value for DEL */
 34 #define ASCII_NUL                       0
 36 #define CTRL_A                                    1                   /* ASCII value for CTRL A */
 37 #define CTRL_B                                    2                   /* ASCII value for CTRL B */
 38 #define CTRL_D                                    4                   /* ASCII value for CTRL D */
 39 #define CTRL_E                                    5                   /* ASCII value for CTRL E */
 40 #define CTRL_F                                    6                   /* ASCII value for CTRL F */
 41 #define CTRL_K                                    11                  /* ASCII value for CTRL K */
 42 #define CTRL_N                                    14                  /* ASCII value for CTRL N */
 43 #define CTRL_P                                    16                  /* ASCII value for CTRL P */
 44 #define CTRL_T                                    20                  /* ASCII value for CTRL T */
 45 #define CTRL_Y                                    25                  /* ASCII value for CTRL Y */
 47 #define RETURN_KEY                      13                  /* ASCII value for RETURN key */
 48 #define BACKSPACE                       8                   /* ASCII value for BACKSPACE */
 49 #define TAB                                       9                   /* ASCII value for TAB */
 50 #define LINEFEED                        10                  /* ASCII value for line feed character */
 52 #define MIN_PRINTABLE_ASCII   ' '                 /* lowest printable ascii char */
 53 #define MAX_PRINTABLE_ASCII   126                 /* maximum printable ascii char */
 54 #define MAX_CNTRL_CHAR                  31                  /* highest ASCII control character */
 56 /* Keyboard key codes */
 57 #define DEL_KEY                         339                 /* unique key code for DEL key */
 58 #define CTRL_2                                    259                 /* unique key code for ^2 */
 59 #define NULL_KEY                        259                 /* another name for ^2 */
 60 #define ALT_D                                     288                 /* unique key code for ALT-D */
 61 #define ALT_M                                     306                 /* unique key code for ALT-M */
 62 #define ALT_H                                     291                 /* unique key code for ALT-H */
 63 #define ALT_B                                     304                 /* unique key code for ALT-B */
 64 #define ALT_S                                     287                 /* unique key code for ALT_S */
 65 #define ALT_I                                     279                 /* unique key code for ALT_I */
 66 #define BREAK_KEY                       512                 /* unique key code for ^BREAK */
 68 /* define values for keypad characters */
 70 #define CTRL_LEFT_ARROW_KEY   371                 /* control left arrow key */
 71 #define CTRL_RIGHT_ARROW_KEY  372                 /* control right arrow key */
 72 #define DOWN_ARROW_KEY                  336                 /* the down arrow key */
 73 #define END_KEY                         335                 /* the End key */
 74 #define HOME_KEY                        327                 /* Home key */
 75 #define INS_KEY                         338                 /* the Ins key */
 76 #define LEFT_ARROW_KEY                  331                 /* the left arrow key */
 77 #define PAGE_DOWN_KEY                   337                 /* the PgDn key */
 78 #define RIGHT_ARROW_KEY                 333                 /* the right arrow key */
 79 #define UP_ARROW_KEY                    328                 /* the up arrow key */
 82 /* ANSI functions */
 84 #define ED                                        "\033[2J" /* Erase display */
 85 #define EL                                        "\033[K"  /* Erase line */
 86 #define RCP                                       "\033[u"  /* Restore cursor position */
 87 #define SCP                                       "\033[s"  /* Save cursor position */
 90 /* DOS/BIOS constants */
 92 #define BIOS_KB                         0x16                /* BIOS keyboard request */
 93 #define BIOS_KB_READ                    0                   /* Keyboard read function */
 94 #define BIOS_KB_SHIFTS                  2                   /* Keyboard shift status function */
 95 #define BIOS_KB_STATUS                  1                   /* Keyboard status function */
 96 #define BIOS_PRT                        0x17                /* BIOS printer interrupt request */
 97 #define BIOS_PRT_PRINT                  0                   /* BIOS print character function */
 98 #define BIOS_PRT_STATUS                 2                   /* BIOS printer status function */
 99 #define BIOS_SEGMENT                    0x40                /* segment location of BIOS variables */
100 #define BIOS_VIDEO                      0x10                /* BIOS video request */
101 #define BLINK_ATTRIBUTE                 0x80                /* bit that enables blink attribute */
102 #define CUP                                       2                   /* BIOS cursor position function */
103 #define DOS_CTRL_C_DISABLE    0                   /* ctrl-c checking disabled */
104 #define DOS_CTRL_C_ENABLE     1                   /* ctrl-c checking enabled */
105 #define DOS_CTRL_C_EXCHANGE   2                   /* ctrl-c exchange function */
106 #define DOS_CTRL_C_FUNCTION   0x33                /* DOS set/check ctrl-c function */
107 #define DOS_CTRL_C_SET                  1                   /* ctrl-c set function */
108 #define DOS_GET_DATE                    0x2a                /* DOS get date function */
109 #define DOS_GET_TIME                    0x2c                /* DOS get time function */
110 #define DOS_INT                         0x21                /* DOS function interrupt */
111 #define HIDE_CURSOR_COL                 0                   /* hide cursor column coordinate */
112 #define HIDE_CURSOR_ROW                 25                  /* hide cursor row coordinate */
113 #define LINE24_COL0                     0x1700    /* Start of blank scroll line */
114 #define N_BG_ATTR_BITS                  4                   /* number of background video attribute bits */
115 #define N_FG_ATTR_BITS                  4                   /* number of foreground video attribute bits */
116 #define PRT_NO_PAPER_MODE     070                 /* bit pattern for printer no paper */
117 #define PRT_OFF_LINE_MODE     030                 /* bit pattern for printer off line */
118 #define PRT_OFF_MODE                    0210                /* bit pattern for printer off */
119 #define PRT_READY_MODE                  0220                /* bit pattern for printer ready */
120 #define PRT_TIMEOUT_BASE                0x78
121 #define RD_SCREEN                       0x8                 /* Read screen char and attributes */
122 #define SCROLL_LINE_ATTRS     0x700     /* Attributes for blank scroll line */
123 #define SCROLL_UP_1_LINE                0x601     /* BIOS scroll up function */
124 #define SCROLL_WINDOW_END     0x174F    /* End of scrolling window */
125 #define SCROLL_WINDOW_START   0                   /* Start of scrolling window */
126 #define SET_CURSOR_POS                  2                   /* BIOS set cursor position function */
127 #define SYSTEM_TIME                     0x2C                /* BIOS system time function */
128 #define VIDEO_CURSOR_MOVE_FUNC          0x2                 /* video cursor move function */
129 #define VIDEO_CURSOR_READ_FUNC          0x3                 /* video read cursor function */
130 #define VIDEO_SCROLL_UP_FUNC  0x6                 /* video scroll up function */
131 #define WRT_SCREEN                      0x9                 /* Write screen char and attributes */
134 /* Keystroke status bits */
136 #define ALT                                       0x8                 /* ALT key status bit */
137 #define CAPSLCK                         0x40                /* Caps lock */
138 #define CTRL                                      0x4                 /* CTRL key status bit */
139 #define INSACT                                    0x80                /* Insert mode active */
140 #define LSHIFT                                    0x2                 /* LEFT SHIFT key status bit */
141 #define NUMLCK                                    0x20                /* Numeric lock */
142 #define RSHIFT                                    0x1                 /* RIGHT SHIFT key status bit */
143 #define SCRLLCK                         0x10                /* Scroll lock */
146 /* Keyboard scan codes */
148 #define B_KEY_CODE                      48                  /* keyboard scan code for B key */
149 #define C_KEY_CODE                      46                  /* keyboard scan code for C key */
150 #define D_KEY_CODE                      32                  /* keyboard scan code for D key */
151 #define E_KEY_CODE                      18                  /* keyboard scan code for E */
152 #define F11_KEY_CODE                    84                  /* keyboard scan code, F11 func key */
153 #define F1_KEY_CODE                     59                  /* keyboard scan code, F1 func key */
154 #define F_KEY_CODE                      33                  /* keyboard scan code for F */
155 #define H_KEY_CODE                      35                  /* keyboard scan code for H */
156 #define M_KEY_CODE                      50                  /* keyboard scan code for M key */
157 #define N_KEY_CODE                      49                  /* keyboard scan code for N key */
158 #define O_KEY_CODE                      24                  /* keyboard scan code for O */
159 #define P_KEY_CODE                      25                  /* keyboard scan code for P */
160 #define Q_KEY_CODE                      16                  /* keyboard scan code for Q key */
161 #define S_KEY_CODE                      31                  /* keyboard scan code for S */
162 #define V_KEY_CODE                      47                  /* keyboard scan code for V */
163 #define zero_KEY_CODE                   11                  /* keyboard scan code for 0 key */
166 /* Other constants */
168 #define ASCII_EXTEND_CODE     256                 /* assigns unique key codes */
169 #define ASCII_ZERO_BASE                 '0'                 /* to convert binary to ascii digit */
170 #define BLINK                                     -1                  /* Blinking attribute for chars */
171 #define BLOCK                                     -1                  /* Wait for function completion */
172 #define CURSOR_BLOCK                    2                   /* WSTERM block cursor type */
173 #define CURSOR_HOME_COL                 0                   /* cursor coordinates for home col */
174 #define CURSOR_HOME_ROW                 0                   /* cursor coordinates for home row */
175 #define CURSOR_UNDERSCORE     1                   /* WSTERM underscore cursor type */
176 #define DEFAULT_ACTIVE_PAGE   0                   /* default active page */
177 #define DEFAULT_AUDIT_FILE    "wsterm.log"        /* default audit file name */
178 #define DEFAULT_LINES_TO_SCROLL         1         /* normally only 1 line scrolled */
179 #define DEFAULT_PRINTER_CARD  0                   /* default printer card value */
180 #define DS_LCT                                    8                   /* Display map size */
181 #define FALSE                                     0                   /* logical false */
182 #define FG_MSG_SIZE                     3000                /* Size of foreground message buffer */
183 #define FORCE                                     -1                  /* Switch value to force stuff */
184 #define F_AUDIT_BUFF_SIZE     1024                /* size of file audit buffer */
185 #define HIDE                                      -1                  /* Switch value to hide stuff */
186 #define HI_BYTE_VALUE                   0x100     /* Value of high byte in size field */
187 #define KB_CAPITALIZED                  3                   /* flag for capitalize conversion */
188 #define KB_HANDLING_ESC_ARG   2                   /* handling numeric escape argument */
189 #define KB_INSERT_MODE                  1                   /* input chars are inserted */
190 #define KB_LITERAL_ESC                  4                   /* handling literal character escape */
191 #define KB_LOWER_CASE                   2                   /* flag for lower case conversion */
192 #define KB_NO_BLOCK                     0                   /* no block flag for edit mode keyboard read */
193 #define KB_PREV_KEY_ESC                 1                   /* previous key hit was escape key */
194 #define KB_REPLACE_MODE                 0                   /* input chars overstrike/replace */
195 #define KB_UPPER_CASE                   1                   /* flag for upper case conversion */
196 #define LARGEST_DECI_DIGIT    '9'                 /* largest ascii decimal digit */
197 #define LARGEST_OCTAL_DIGIT   '7'                 /* largest ascii octal digit */
198 #define LOW_7_BITS                      0177                /* mask for lowest 7 bits */
199 #define LOW_8_BITS                      0xff                /* mask for lowest 8 bits */
200 #define LO_BYTE_MASK                    0xFF                /* Mask for low order bytes */
201 #define MAXINT                                    0x7FFF    /* Maximum integer value */
202 #define MAXMSG                                    650                 /* Length of message buffers */
203 #define MAX_7_BIT_VAL                   128                 /* maximum value for 7 bits */
204 #define MAX_8_BIT_VALUE                 256                 /* maximum value for 8 bits */
205 #define MAX_ARG_LIMIT                   3266                /* max signed int value / 10 */
206 #define MAX_BG_MESS_LENGTH    256                 /* maximum background message length */
207 #define MAX_DATE_TIME_STR_LENGTH        32                  /* max. length for date/time string */
208 #define MAX_DISPLAY_CHAR_SIZE 10                  /* maximum length of char displayed */
209 #define MAX_LINE_SIZE                   512                 /* size of edit mode line buffer */
210 #define MAX_OCTAL_SEQ_DIGITS  3                   /* max. digits in octal sequence */
211 #define MAX_PRINTER_CARD_VAL  2                   /* highest printer card value */
212 #define MAX_SCREEN_COL                  79                  /* Dimensions for 80x24 screen */
213 #define MAX_SCREEN_LINE                 23
214 #define MINI                                      -1                  /* Mini switch setting */
215 #define MINI_LIN                        24                  /* The minibuffer line */
216 #define MIN_PRINTER_CARD_VAL  0                   /* lowest printer card value */
217 #define NONE                                      0                   /* descriptive define for 0 */
218 #define NO_BLOCK                        -1                  /* Dont block for keyboard input */
219 #define NO_BLOCK_MASK                   0x80                /* No block flag for sync reads */
220 #define NO_ESC_ARG                      -1                  /* no numeric arguments */
221 #define NO_ESC_FUNC                     0                   /* not handling special escaping */
222 #define NUL_TERMINATOR                  0                   /* descriptive, string terminator */
223 #define N_SIZE_SPEC_BYTES     2                   /* size specifier word bytes */
224 #define OCTAL_BASE_VALUE                8                   /* multiplier for octal base */
225 #define OFF                                       0                   /* Switch OFF value */
226 #define ON                                        -1                  /* Switch ON value */
227 #define ONE_BYTE                        1                   /* descriptive define for 1 byte */
228 #define PEL_OFF_LINE                    0                   /* printer error list OFF LINE */
229 #define PEL_NOT_READY                   2                   /* printer error list NOT READY */
230 #define PEL_NO_PAPER                    1                   /* printer error list NO PAPER */
231 #define PSTR                                      -1                  /* Switch value for prompt strings */
232 #define P_AUDIT_BUFF_SIZE     256                 /* size of printer audit buffer */
233 #define QUIT                                      'Q'                 /* Quit emulator & return to DOS */
234 #define SCREEN_COLS                     80                  /* number of screen columns */
235 #define SCREEN_LINES                    24                  /* number of screen rows or lines */
236 #define SET_MARK                        "\000"    /* Emacs "set-the-mark" */
237 #define SMALLEST_DECI_DIGIT   '0'                 /* smallest ascii decimal digit */
238 #define SMALLEST_OCTAL_DIGIT  '0'                 /* smallest ascii octal digit */
239 #define STATUS                                    -1                  /* Argument value for rd_key */
240 #define TAB_SIZE                        10                  /* size (in columns) of a tab */
241 #define TOTAL_SIZE_SPEC_BYTES 4                   /* total bytes for size specifier */
242 #define TRO                                       -1                  /* Delay timer has run out */
243 #define TRUE                                      1                   /* logical true */
244 #define TXMT_MSG                        -1                  /* Transmit a message */
245 #define WST_ASYNC_MODE                  2                   /* asynchronous packet mode */
248 #define WST_GLASS_TTY_MODE    1                   /* glass tty mode */
249 #define WST_SYNC_MODE                   3                   /* synchronous packet mode */
250 #define WST_UNKNOWN_MODE                0                   /* unknown wsterm protocol mode */
251 #define ZERO_BYTES                      0                   /* descriptive define for 0 bytes */
252 #define ZERO_INDEX_VALUE                0                   /* descriptive define for index 0 */
253 #define Z_FLAG_MASK                     0100                /* mask for the CPU Z bit */
255 #define KILLBUFF_SAVE                   TRUE                /* enabled saving to kill buffer */
256 #define NO_KILLBUFF_SAVE                FALSE     /* disable saving to kill buffer */
258 /* total number of characters on the screen */
259 #define SCREEN_CHARS                    (SCREEN_LINES*SCREEN_COLS)
261 /* total number of characters in each screen buffer */
264 /* constants which define help topics */
266 #define BG_HELP                         1                   /* background screen help */
267 #define GENERAL_HELP                    0                   /* general help */
268 #define HISTORY_HELP                    2                   /* history screen help */
269 #define N_HELP_TOPICS                   3                   /* number of help topics */
270 #define N_HELP_PAGE_LINES     24                  /* number of lines per help screen */
272 #define FIRST_TOPIC_INDEX     0                   /* descriptive define for index 0 */
273 #define SECOND_TOPIC_INDEX    1                   /* descriptive define for index 1 */
274 #define THIRD_TOPIC_INDEX     2                   /* descriptive define for index 2 */
276 #define LAST_HELP_TOPIC_INDEX (N_HELP_TOPICS-1)   /* last help topic index */
279 /* FANSI-CONSOLE escape sequences */
280 #define FCON_RESET_SCROLL_STR "\033[0;0r"         /* default scroll region */
281 #define FCON_SET_SCROLL_24    "\033[1;24r"        /* scroll region rows 1 to 24 */
283 #define beep()                                    putch('\007')       /* sound a beep */
286 /* Structures */
288 struct    ctl_msg_hdr                   /* Control message header */
289           { char    id [3];             /* Message ID */
290             byte    msb_size, lsb_size; /* Message size */
291           };
294 struct    ds_struct                     /* Keyboard display data */
295           { int     ccol,               /* Current column position */
296                     do_col, do_ctl,     /* For ANSI control sequences */
297                     lct,                /* Number of ds_map lines */
298                     lndx,               /* Current display map line index */
299                     pstrl,              /* Prompt string length */
300                     spill [DS_LCT],     /* Last ds.dlin char spills */
301                     splct [DS_LCT];     /* Char spill from previous line */
302             char    dlin [SCREEN_COLS+1],         /* Current display line */
303                     map [DS_LCT] [SCREEN_COLS+1], /* Display line map */
304                     pstr [SCREEN_COLS+1];         /* The prompt string */
305           };
307 struct    kb_struct                     /* Keyboard input data */
308           { int     echo,               /* Effective echo switch */
309                     cndx,               /* Next kb.klin character index */
310                     endx,               /* First kb.klin unechoed character */
311                     fkey,               /* Function key switch */
312                     key_ndx,            /* Keyboard scan index */
313                     key_status,         /* Keyboard status */
314                     insert_mode,        /* Insert mode switch */
315                     pos [MAXMSG];       /* Display position of each char */
316             char    chr [10],           /* A keyboard "character" */
317                     klin [MAXMSG+1],    /* Keyboard input line */
318                     dstr [12];          /* Display string for kb.chr */
319           };
321 struct    screen_struct                 /* Screen display data */
322           { int     curcol, curlin,     /* Current cursor position */
323                     EOP_ct,             /* EOP line counter */
324                     maxcol, maxlin;     /* Screen size from tty_ modes */
325             char    mini_buf [MAX_SCREEN_COL+1]; /* 25th line minibuffer */
326           };
328 union     regs_struct
329           { struct  HREG hreg;
330             struct  XREG xreg;
331           };
333 struct    snd_msg_struct
334           { struct  ctl_msg_hdr hdr;
335             char    data [MAXMSG + 1];
336           };
338 struct    stm_data                      /* Data for STM message */
339           { byte    modes,              /* '00000'|lfecho|crecho|sync */
340                     kill,
341                     erase,
342                     lnc,
343                     maxcol,
344                     maxlin;
345           };
347 union     fg_msg_struct
348           { char    text [FG_MSG_SIZE];
349             struct  { struct  ctl_msg_hdr hdr;
350                       union   { byte    rd_ct [2];
351                                 char    break_table [96];
352                                 struct  stm_data stm;
353                               } data;
354                     } ctl;
355           };
358 /* screen buffer for saving contents of screen; screen characters
359 and attributes are saved
360 */
361 typedef struct wst_screen_struct {
362     int cursor_row;     /* cursor row coordinate to save */
363     int cursor_col;     /* cursor column coordinate to save */
364     int attr;           /* default attribute to use */
365     char screen[SCREEN_BUFFER_BYTES]; /* buffer to hold screen contents */
366 } SCREEN;
369 /* structure which defines the screen dimensions for edit mode
370    keyboard display
371 */
372 typedef struct screen_size_struct {
373     int left;     /* left coordinate of keyboard window */
374     int right;    /* right coordinate of keyboard window */
375     int top;      /* top coordinate of keyboard window */
376     int bottom;   /* bottom coordinate of keyboard window */
379 /* structure for keeping temporary track of cursor positioning
380    information
381 */
382 typedef struct curpos_struct {
383     int  orig_row;   /* row coordinates where displaying first begins */
384     int  orig_col;   /* col coordinates where displaying first begins */
385     int  cur_row;    /* row coordinates of where cursor currently is */
386     int  cur_col;    /* col coordinates of where cursor currently is */
387     int  max_row;    /* maximum row coordinates of characters displayed */
388     int  max_col;    /* maximum col coordinates of characters displayed */
389     int  scroll_flag; /* indicates screen has scrolled */
390 } CURPOS;
393 /* structure containing the line and information about the line
394    being edited in edit mode
395 */
396 typedef struct line_struct {
397     int mode;        /* flag indicating replace/insert */
398     int  orig_row;   /* row coordinate where displaying originates */
399     int  orig_col;   /* col coordinate where displaying originates */
400     int  cur_row;    /* row coordinate of current cursor position */
401     int  cur_col;    /* col coordinate of current cursor position */
402     int  max_row;    /* maximum row coordinates of characters displayed */
403     int  max_col;    /* maximum col coordinates of characters displayed */
404     int scrolled_flag;   /* flag indicating screen has scrolled */
405     int off_screen;   /* flag indicating text beyond what is displayed */
406     int escape_flag;  /* flag indicating whether doing escape handling */
407     int escape_arg;   /* flag containing numeric escape argument */
409     char line[MAX_LINE_SIZE+2]; /* command line, extra bytes for LF and '\0' */
410     char size[MAX_LINE_SIZE+2]; /* command line, extra bytes for LF and '\0' */
411     char literal_buff[4];  /* for holding literal character strings */
412     int index;        /* index representing cursor location in line */
413     int length;      /* line length */
414     int literal_dex;  /* length of literal character string */
415 } EDIT_LINE;
417 #define WSTDEFS
418 #endif
420 /* END INCLUDE FILE: wstdefs.h */