1 /*                  BEGIN INCLUDE FILE pascal_stack_frame.incl.pl1 .......       */
 5   1) change(86-09-16,JPFauche), approve(86-09-16,MCR7525),
 6      audit(86-09-16,Martinson), install(86-11-12,MR12.0-1208):
 7      Added sol_bit, user_on_cleanup_bit, function_value_bit, french_bid, unused
 8      and last_set_bit to support Version 8.03 of pascal.
 9                                                    END HISTORY COMMENTS */
11 dcl          1 pascal_stack_frame   based,
12                2 pointer_registers  (0:7) ptr,
13                2 system_info        (16) bit (36) unal,
14                2 dlinkw             ptr,
15                2 returned_value     bit (72) unal,
16                2 linkage_ptr        ptr,
17                2 work               bit (72) unal,
18                2 registers          (8) bit (36) unal,
19                2 close_file_cleanup_on_unit,
20                  3 name             ptr,
21                  3 body             ptr,
22                  3 size             fixed bin,
23                  3 next             bit (18) unal,
24                  3 flags            bit (18) unal;
26      dcl     close_on_unit_relp     bit (18) init ("000000000000110000"b) int static options (constant); /* relp to close_file_cleanup_on_unit */
28      dcl     1 pascal_stack_frame_flags based,
29                2 some_data          (31) bit (36) unal,
30                2 my_id              bit (18) unal,          /* PASCAL translator id */
31                2 PASCAL_runtime_flags,                      /* op return field is used for flags */
32                  3 main             bit (1) unal,           /* = 1 if MAIN pascal stack_frame */
33                  3 fast             bit (1) unal,
34                  3 check            bit (1) unal,
35                  3 interactive_mode bit (1) unal,
36                  3 io_warnings      bit (1) unal,
37                  3 close_on_cleanup bit (1) unal,           /* = 1 if cleanup on unit to close files has been established */
38                  3 close_input      bit (1) unal,           /* = 1 if input is to be closed on cleanup */
39                  3 close_output     bit (1) unal,           /* = 1 if output is to be closed on cleanup */
40                  3 close_error      bit (1) unal,           /* = 1 if error is to be closed on cleanup */
41                  3 close_entree     bit (1) unal,           /* = 1 if entree is to be closed on cleanup */
42                  3 close_sortie     bit (1) unal,           /* = 1 if sortie is to be closed on cleanup */
43                  3 close_erreur     bit (1) unal,           /* = 1 if erreur is to be closed on cleanup */
44                  3 sol_bit          bit (1) unal,
45                  3 user_on_cleanup_bit bit (1) unal,
46                  3 function_value_bit bit (1) unal,
47                  3 french_bit       bit (1) unal,
48                  3 unused           bit (1) unal,
49                  3 last_set_bit     bit (1) unal;
51      dcl     1 old_pascal_stack_frame based,                /* until PASCAL 5.02 */
52                2 some_data          (32) bit (36) unal,
53                2 registers          (8) bit (36) unal,
54                2 dlinkw             ptr,
55                2 linkage_ptr        ptr,
56                2 returned_value     bit (72) unal,
57                2 work               bit (72) unal;
58                                                             /*        END INCLUDE FILE pascal_stack_frame.incl.pl1 ...........        */