1           /* Include file option.incl.pl1 */
 3 declare   1 option aligned based(areap),
 5           2 g_retain char(1) unaligned,           /* global retain option */
 6           2 g_indirect char(1) unaligned,         /* global indirect */
 7           2 g_delete char(1) unaligned,           /* global delete */
 8           2 g_nolink char(1) unaligned,           /* global no_link */
 9           2 g_notable char(1) unaligned,          /* global no_table */
10           2 structures fixed bin;                 /* beginning of option structures */
12 declare   1 op aligned based(optp),               /* declaration of an option structure */
14           2 n_options fixed bin,                  /* number of symbols in structure */
15           2 retain char(1) unaligned,             /* global retain for this object */
16           2 indirect char(1) unaligned,           /* global indirect for this object */
17           2 delete char(1) unaligned,             /* global delete for this object */
18           2 no_link char(1) unaligned,            /* global no_link for this object */
19           2 table char(1) unaligned,              /* keep table for this object */
20           2 n_synonyms fixed bin,                 /* synonym(s) of component segment */
21           2 n_retain fixed bin,                   /* number of definitions to be retained */
22           2 n_indirect fixed bin,                 /* number of symbols to remain unsnapped */
23           2 n_delete fixed bin,                   /* number of symbols to be deleted */
24           2 n_nolink fixed bin,                   /* number of symbols not to be prelinked */
25           2 opes(1000) aligned,                   /* the symbols */
26             3 symb char(257) aligned,
27             3 code char(1) aligned,               /* code indicating type of option */
28             3 lng fixed bin;
30 declare   1 ope aligned based(p),
31           2 symb char(257) aligned,
32           2 code char(1) aligned,
33           2 lng fixed bin;