1 /*        BEGIN OF: old_help_cis_args_.incl.pl1     *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  */
 4   1) change(1986-03-07,LJAdams), approve(1986-03-07,MCR7327),
 5      audit(1986-03-10,Lippard), install(1986-04-24,MR12.0-1048):
 6      Changed segment type from bit(2) to fixed bin(2) uns.
 7   2) change(1986-05-12,LJAdams), approve(1986-05-14,MCR7416),
 8      audit(1986-05-19,Gilcrease), install(1986-06-12,MR12.0-1074):
 9      Added E as an unique identifier for entry_point name to be used during
10      sorting.
11   3) change(1987-02-18,LJAdams), approve(1987-09-03,MCR7766),
12      audit(1988-05-03,GDixon), install(1988-09-13,MR12.2-1109):
13      Added X as a sort identifier to be used when sorting via sort_items_$char
14      as the original order of the records is not maintained when sorting equal
15      items.
16   4) change(1988-03-14,LJAdams), approve(1988-06-01,MCR7873),
17      audit(1988-05-03,GDixon), install(1988-09-13,MR12.2-1109):
18      Changed order of fields being sorted and added a pad field to maintain
19      alignment.
20   5) change(2021-02-15,GDixon), approve(2021-02-15,MCR10085),
21      audit(2021-03-17,Swenson), install(2021-03-17,MR12.6g-0052):
22      Create new old_help_cis_args_.incl.pl1 based on help_cis_args_.incl.pl1
23      for use in the old_help_ subroutine and bound_old_help_.s.archive source
24      programs.
25                                                    END HISTORY COMMENTS */
28           /*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  * */
29           /*                                                                                        */
30           /* Name:  old_help_cis_args_.incl.pl1                                                     */
31           /*                                                                                        */
32           /* This include file declares the structures returned by old_help_$check_info_segs for    */
33           /* use in the check_info_segs command.  The structures contain information about the      */
34           /* segments which check_info_segs will process.  The structures are allocated in the temp */
35           /* segment obtained in the call to old_help_$init.  They SHOULD NOT BE FREED.  Instead,   */
36           /* the help_$term entry should be called to release the entire temporary segment.         */
37           /*                                                                                        */
38           /* Status                                                                                 */
39           /*                                                                                        */
40           /* 0) Created:   October, 1978          by Gary Dixon                                     */
41           /*                                                                                        */
42           /*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  * */
44      dcl  1 Dinfo_seg                   aligned based,      /* Information  about one info segment.           */
45                                                             /* NOTE: code depends upon Scross_ref, dir and ent*/
46                                                             /*   1st, 2nd & 3rd elements of item substruc.    */
47               3 Scross_ref              bit(36) aligned,    /*   bit 1 on if same info appears in diff. dirs. */
48               3 dir                     char(168) unal,     /*   dir part of its pathname.                    */
49               3 ent                     char(32) unal,      /*   ent part of its pathname.                    */
50               3 info_name               char(32) unal,      /*   info_name used to find info, if different    */
51                                                             /*     from ent (without suffix).                 */
52               3 ep                      char(32) var,       /*   entry point name requested in command line.  */
53               3 uid                     bit(36),            /*   unique ID of containing segment.             */
54               3 I                       fixed bin(35),
55                                                             /*   index of 1st character of the info.          */
56               3 E                       char(32),           /*   ep name to be used for sorting               */
57               3 X                       fixed bin(35),
58                                                             /*   index of original record order               */
59               3 pad2                    fixed bin(35),
60               3 L                       fixed bin,          /*   length, in chars.                            */
61               3 date                    fixed bin(71),      /*   date_time_entry_modified of info segment.    */
62              (3 segment_type            fixed bin(2) uns,   /*   00 - link, 01 - segment                      */
63               3 mode                    bit(3),             /*   access mode.                                 */
64               3 pad1                    bit(31)) unal,
65               3 code                    fixed bin(35),      /*   error code encounter in processing seg.      */
66           1 PDinfo_seg                  aligned based(PPDinfo_seg),
67             2 version                   fixed bin,          /* Version of this return structure (= 2).        */
68             2 N                         fixed bin(24),      /* Count of info segments data returned for.      */
69             2 P (0 refer (PDinfo_seg.N))                    /* Pointers to Dinfo_seg structure for each info. */
70                                         ptr unal,
71           PPDinfo_seg                   ptr,
72           VPDinfo_seg_2                 fixed bin int static options(constant) init(2);
74      dcl  old_help_$check_info_segs     entry (char(*), ptr, char(*), fixed bin, fixed bin(35), ptr);
76 /*        END OF:   old_help_cis_args_.incl.pl1     *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  */