1 /*  START OF:       oc_info.incl.pl1                          *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *   */
 5   1) change(85-11-14,Farley), approve(85-11-14,MCR6979),
 6      audit(85-11-14,Fawcett), install(86-03-21,MR12.0-1033):
 7      Add IMU support.
 8   2) change(85-12-03,Farley), approve(85-12-03,MCR7306),
 9      audit(85-12-03,Fawcett), install(86-03-21,MR12.0-1033):
10      Fix bugs found while doing Dipper changes.
11   3) change(85-12-03,Farley), approve(85-12-03,MCR7312),
12      audit(85-12-03,Fawcett), install(86-03-21,MR12.0-1033):
13      Add BCE MCA lock and unlock.
14                                                    END HISTORY COMMENTS */
16 /*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  */
17           /*                                                                                                  */
18           /* Purpose:                                                                                         */
19           /*                                                                                                  */
20           /* This include file is utilized to extract information about the current operator's console via    */
21           /* a call to iox_$control with a control order of "console_info" for  the ocd_ I/O module. The name */
22           /*  of the console that information is requested on is provided in oc_info.name. If this is set to  */
23           /*  "" information about the bootload console is returned.                                          */
24           /*                                                                                                  */
25           /* Initial Coding:            06/20/83                                                              */
26           /*                                                                                                  */
27           /* Author:                    E. A. Ranzenbach    (Ranzenbach.Multics@M)                            */
28           /* Location:                  System-M.                                                             */
29           /* Release:                   MR10.2                                                                */
30           /*                                                                                                  */
31           /*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  */
32           /*                                                                                                  */
33           /* Modifications:                                                                                   */
34           /*                                                                                                  */
35           /*  Date     Author                     Reason                                                      */
36           /*                                                                                                  */
37           /*  84-12-05 E. A. Ranzenbach           for read_unechoed_char console option.                      */
38           /*                                                                                                  */
39           /*  85-07-17 Paul K Farley              for IMU changes.                                            */
40           /*  85-11-14 Paul K Farley              Remove pcw_ignored flag, imu flag will do.                  */
41           /*                                                                                                  */
42           /*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  */
47 /* format: off */
48 ^L
49      dcl  1 oc_info                     aligned   based     (oc_info_ptr),
50                2 name                   char      (4),                          /* name of this console, i.e. "opca"... */
51                2 opc_idx                fixed bin (17)      unaligned,          /* index of this entry in opc array...  */
52                2 model                  fixed bin (17)      unaligned,          /* model of the console...              */
53                2 flags,
54                     3 active            bit       (1)       unaligned,          /* ON => this entry is in use...        */
55                     3 assigned          bit       (1)       unaligned,          /* ON => io_manager knows device...     */
56                     3 bootload_console  bit       (1)       unaligned,          /* ON => this is the bootload console...*/
57                     3 alternate         bit       (1)       unaligned,          /* ON => console used if active fails...*/
58                     3 inop_device       bit       (1)       unaligned,          /* ON => console is inoperative...      */
59                     3 io_device         bit       (1)       unaligned,          /* ON => console is not available to us.*/
60                     3 no_device         bit       (1)       unaligned,          /* ON => console has been deleted...    */
61                     3 config_change     bit       (1)       unaligned,          /* ON => config change has occurred...  */
62                     3 prompt            bit       (1)       unaligned,          /* ON => prompt for input...            */
63                     3 pcw_io            bit       (1)       unaligned,          /* ON => use PCW's instead of IDCW's... */
64                     3 io_in_progress    bit       (1)       unaligned,          /* ON => I/O op is in progress...       */
65                     3 got_special_int   bit       (1)       unaligned,          /* ON => RE(TURN QUEST) key was hit...  */
66                     3 oper_request      bit       (1)       unaligned,          /* ON => operator has hit request key...*/
67                     3 discard           bit       (1)       unaligned,          /* ON => discard output...              */
68                     3 discarded         bit       (1)       unaligned,          /* ON => (output discarded) printed...  */
69                     3 read_unechoed_option                                      /* ON => read_unechoed option installed.*/
70                                         bit       (1)       unaligned,          /* option must not be installed...      */
71                     3 imu               bit       (1)       unaligned,          /* ON => console located in an IMU...   */
72                     3 FLAG_PAD          bit       (19)      unaligned,          /* pad to word boundry...               */
73                2 channel                char      (8),                          /* name of this console's channel...    */
74                2 device_idx             fixed bin (35),                         /* operator's console device id...      */
75                2 line_leng              fixed bin (17)      unaligned,          /* line length of the console...        */
76                2 dcw_list_idx           fixed bin (17)      unaligned,          /* DCW list in progess...               */
77                2 retry_cnt              fixed bin (17)      unaligned,          /* times I/O op has been retried...     */
78                2 RESERVED_PAD           fixed bin (17)      unaligned,          /* pad to oc_entry + 10(8)...           */
79                2 io_time                fixed bin (71),                         /* time last I/O began...               */
80                2 status_word            bit       (36),                         /* last valid status word received...   */
81                2 dcw_list     (16)      bit       (36),                         /* DCWs used to drive the console...    */
82                2 OC_ENTRY_END_PAD       bit       (36);                         /* pad to 34(8) words...                */
84      dcl  oc_info_ptr                   ptr;
86 /*  END OF:         oc_info.incl.pl1                          *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *   */