1 /*        BEGIN INCLUDE FILE ... net_event_message.incl.pl1 */
  4   1) change(86-07-30,Kissel), approve(86-07-30,MCR7475), audit(86-08-04,Coren),
  5      install(86-10-09,MR12.0-1181):
  6      This include file was formerly tty_event_message.incl.pl1.  It has been
  7      updated with different fields and new constants, and renamed to
  8      net_event_message.incl.pl1
  9   2) change(87-04-20,GDixon), approve(87-07-13,MCR7694),
 10      audit(87-06-24,Hartogs), install(87-08-04,MR12.1-1056):
 11      Add NETWORK_TYPE_VALUES array.
 12                                                    END HISTORY COMMENTS */
 14 /*        describes event message passed with wakeups from the tty DIM */
 15 /*        Created 5/24/76 by Robert S. Coren */
 17 /* format: style3,linecom,ifthenstmt,indthenelse,^indnoniterdo,indnoniterend,initcol3,dclind5,idind32 */
 19 dcl  net_event_message_arg           fixed bin (71);        /* For calling IPC */
 20 dcl  NET_EVENT_MESSAGE_VERSION_1     bit (2) internal static options (constant) init ("10"b);
 22 dcl  1 net_event_message             aligned based (addr (net_event_message_arg)),
 23        2 version                     bit (2) unaligned,     /* Currently version 1 */
 24        2 reason                      bit (16) unaligned,    /* Additional info about the event */
 25        2 pad                         bit (6) unaligned,     /* Must be zero */
 26        2 network_type                fixed bin (4) unsigned unaligned,
 27                                                             /* See below for constants */
 28        2 type                        fixed bin (8) unsigned unaligned,
 29                                                             /* Type of interrupt, see below */
 30        2 handle                      fixed bin (35) aligned;/* Caller's handle (devx for MCS, handle for DSA) */
 32 /* Network type constants */
 34 dcl  MCS_NETWORK_TYPE                fixed bin (4) unsigned internal static options (constant) init (0);
 35 dcl  DSA_NETWORK_TYPE                fixed bin (4) unsigned internal static options (constant) init (1);
 36 dcl  MOWSE_NETWORK_TYPE              fixed bin (4) unsigned internal static options (constant) init (2);
 38 dcl  NETWORK_TYPE_VALUES (0:2) char(8) varying int static options(constant) init(
 39           "MCS",
 40           "DSA",
 41           "MOWSE");
 44 /* MCS event message type constants */
 46 dcl  MAX_MCS_EVENT_MSG_TYPE          fixed bin internal static options (constant) init (8);
 48 dcl  MCS_UNSPECIFIED_MSG             fixed bin internal static options (constant) init (0);
 49                                                             /* used for "start" order, etc. */
 50 dcl  MCS_DIALUP_MSG                  fixed bin internal static options (constant) init (1);
 51                                                             /* dialup */
 52 dcl  MCS_HANGUP_MSG                  fixed bin internal static options (constant) init (2);
 53                                                             /* hangup */
 54 dcl  MCS_DIALOUT_MSG                 fixed bin internal static options (constant) init (3);
 55                                                             /* dialout status returned */
 56 dcl  MCS_QUIT_MSG                    fixed bin internal static options (constant) init (4);
 57                                                             /* quit */
 58 dcl  MCS_READ_MSG                    fixed bin internal static options (constant) init (5);
 59                                                             /* input arrived */
 60 dcl  MCS_WRITE_MSG                   fixed bin internal static options (constant) init (6);
 61                                                             /* output completed */
 62 dcl  MCS_LINE_STATUS_MSG             fixed bin internal static options (constant) init (7);
 63                                                             /* control tables sent status */
 64 dcl  MCS_MASKED_MSG                  fixed bin internal static options (constant) init (8);
 65                                                             /* channel masked by FNP */
 67 dcl  MCS_MSG_TYPE_TO_PNAME           (0:8) char (20) internal static options (constant) init ("unspecified",
 68                                                             /*  0 */
 69                                      "dialup",              /*  1 */
 70                                      "hangup",              /*  2 */
 71                                      "dialout status",      /*  3 */
 72                                      "quit",                /*  4 */
 73                                      "read",                /*  5 */
 74                                      "write",               /*  6 */
 75                                      "line status",         /*  7 */
 76                                      "masked");             /*  8 */
 78 /* DSA event message type constants */
 80 dcl  MAX_DSA_EVENT_MSG_TYPE          fixed bin internal static options (constant) init (19);
 82 dcl  DSA_UNSPECIFIED_MSG             fixed bin (8) uns internal static options (constant) init (0);
 83 dcl  DSA_ATTENTION_MSG               fixed bin (8) uns internal static options (constant) init (1);
 84 dcl  DSA_DATA_ATTENTION_MSG          fixed bin (8) uns internal static options (constant) init (2);
 85 dcl  DSA_DEMAND_RELEASE_SRU_MSG      fixed bin (8) uns internal static options (constant) init (3);
 86 dcl  DSA_DEMAND_TURN_MSG             fixed bin (8) uns internal static options (constant) init (4);
 87 dcl  DSA_DEMAND_TURN_ACK_MSG         fixed bin (8) uns internal static options (constant) init (5);
 88 dcl  DSA_PURGE_MSG                   fixed bin (8) uns internal static options (constant) init (6);
 89 dcl  DSA_RECOVER_MSG                 fixed bin (8) uns internal static options (constant) init (7);
 90 dcl  DSA_RECOVER_ACK_MSG             fixed bin (8) uns internal static options (constant) init (8);
 91 dcl  DSA_RELEASE_SRU_MSG             fixed bin (8) uns internal static options (constant) init (9);
 92 dcl  DSA_RESUME_MSG                  fixed bin (8) uns internal static options (constant) init (10);
 93 dcl  DSA_RESUME_ACK_MSG              fixed bin (8) uns internal static options (constant) init (11);
 94 dcl  DSA_SUSPEND_MSG                 fixed bin (8) uns internal static options (constant) init (12);
 95 dcl  DSA_SUSPEND_ACK_MSG             fixed bin (8) uns internal static options (constant) init (13);
 96 dcl  DSA_TERM_ABNORMAL_MSG           fixed bin (8) uns internal static options (constant) init (14);
 97 dcl  DSA_ESTABLISHMENT_MSG           fixed bin (8) uns internal static options (constant) init (15);
 98 dcl  DSA_TERMINATED_MSG              fixed bin (8) uns internal static options (constant) init (16);
 99 dcl  DSA_USER_UNASSIGN_MSG           fixed bin (8) uns internal static options (constant) init (17);
100 dcl  DSA_DATA_INPUT_MSG              fixed bin (8) uns internal static options (constant) init (18);
101 dcl  DSA_DATA_OUTPUT_MSG             fixed bin (8) uns internal static options (constant) init (19);
103 dcl  DSA_MSG_TYPE_TO_PNAME           (0:19) char (20) internal static options (constant) init ("unspecified",
104                                                             /*  0 */
105                                      "attention",           /*  1 */
106                                      "data_attention",      /*  2 */
107                                      "demand_release_sru",  /*  3 */
108                                      "demand_turn",         /*  4 */
109                                      "demand_turn_ack",     /*  5 */
110                                      "purge",               /*  6 */
111                                      "recover",             /*  7 */
112                                      "recover_ack",         /*  8 */
113                                      "release_sru",         /*  9 */
114                                      "resume",              /* 10 */
115                                      "resume_ack",          /* 11 */
116                                      "suspend",             /* 12 */
117                                      "suspend_ack",         /* 13 */
118                                      "terminate_abnormal",  /* 14 */
119                                      "establishment",       /* 15 */
120                                      "terminated",          /* 16 */
121                                      "user_unassign",       /* 17 */
122                                      "data input",          /* 18 */
123                                      "data output");        /* 19 */
125 /*        END INCLUDE FILE ... net_event_message.incl.pl1 */