1 /* INCLUDE FILE ncp_struc_defs */
 2 /* declarations for the structure elements of the NCP data base "net_db_" */
 4 /* SOCKET TABLE ENTRY - 30(8) words long */
 5 dcl  sep ptr;
 7 dcl 1 soct aligned based (sep),
 8     2 evchn fixed bin (71),                                 /* event channel id of using process */
 9     2 oevchn fixed bin (71),                                /* event channel id of overseer process */
10     2 lock bit (36),                                        /* lock word for this socket entry */
11     2 procid bit (36),                                      /* process id of using process */
12     2 oprocid bit (36),                                     /* process id of overseer process */
13     2 balloc fixed bin (32),                                /* bit allocation */
14                                                             /* */
15     2 malloc fixed bin (16),                                /* message allocation */
16     2 lsoc bit (64),                                        /* identifier of this (local) socket */
17     2 fsoc bit (64),                                        /* identifier of foreign socket in the connection */
18     2 queue bit (18) unaligned,                             /* RFC tbl index of block next on this queue. 0 if no queue. */
19     2 linkn bit (18) unaligned,                             /* link number assigned to this connection */
20     2 host_tb_idx fixed binary (17) unaligned,              /* NCP host table index of the foreign host involved */
21     2 com_idx bit (18) unaligned,                           /* imp dim index of link implementing this connection */
22     2 state fixed binary (5) unaligned,                     /* current state of this socket */
23     2 byte bit (8) unaligned,                               /* byte size of the socket */
24     2 r_w bit (1) unaligned,                                /* = 0, this is a "read" socket;
25                                                                = 1, this is a "write" socket */
26     2 int_ok bit (1) unaligned,                             /* = 0, interrupts prohibited;
27                                                                = 1, interrupts permitted */
28     2 deac_sw bit (1) unaligned,                            /* = 0, socket not to be deactivated,
29                                                                = 1, socket to be deactivated */
30     2 spaces1 bit (19) unaligned,                           /* unused space */
31                                                             /* */
32     2 olockid bit (36),                                     /* lockid of the overseer process */
33     2 umodes bit (36),                                      /* user mode cells */
34     2 time_st_chng fixed bin (71),                          /* time of last state change */
35     2 signal_ev_channel fixed binary (71),                 /* channel to signal over when get interrupt */
36     2 spaces3 (2) fixed bin;                                /* spacer */
38 /* HOST TABLE ENTRY - 10(8) words */
40 dcl 1 host_ent aligned based,                               /* declaration of an entry in the host table */
41     2 hlocke bit (36),
42     2 (rlkidxe, wlkidxe) bit (18) unaligned,
43     2 rlinkne (32) bit (1) unaligned,
44     2 spaceh1e bit (4) unaligned,
45     2 host_ide bit (9) unaligned,
46     2 host_statee bit (6) unaligned,
47     2 prev_host_state bit (6) unaligned,
48     2 time_state_changed fixed binary (71),
49     2 spaceh2e (2) fixed bin;
51 /* RFC TABLE ENTRY - 4 words */
53 dcl 1 rfc_ent aligned based,                                /* declaration of an entry in the rfc table */
54     2 fsocqe bit (64),
55     2 (linkqe, queuene) bit (18) unaligned,
56     2 spacer1e fixed bin;
58 /* END of INCLUDE FILE ncp_struc_defs */