1 /* BEGIN INCLUDE FILE mtape_vol_set.incl.pl1. Created by J. A. Bush 10/13/82 */
 2 /* The include file mtape_err_stats.incl.pl1 is referenced by this include file */
 3 /* format: style4 */
 5 dcl  vs_ptr ptr;
 7 dcl  mtape_vs_version_1 char (8) int static options (constant) init ("mtvsv001");
 9 dcl  1 mtape_vol_set aligned based (vs_ptr),
10        2 version char (8),                                  /* Current version */
11        2 prev_vs_ptr ptr,                                   /* Pointer to previous volume set entry */
12        2 next_vs_ptr ptr,                                   /* Pointer to next volume set entry */
13        2 mrm_vs_ptr ptr,                                    /* Pointer to Most Recently Mounted VS member */
14        2 lrm_vs_ptr ptr,                                    /* Pointer to Least Recently Mounted VS member */
15        2 first_vl_ptr ptr,                                  /* Pointer to the first volume label record structure */
16        2 last_vl_ptr ptr,                                   /* Pointer to the last volume label record structure */
17        2 volume_name char (32),                             /* Name specified in the attach description */
18        2 volume_id char (32),                               /* Name as recorded in the volume label */
19        2 mount_comment char (64),                           /* Mount comment from attach description */
20        2 demount_comment char (64),                         /* Demount comment from detach description */
21        2 device_name char (8),                              /* Device volume is currently or last mounted on */
22        2 rcp_id bit (36),                                   /* RCP activation for this volume */
23        2 tioi_id bit (36),                                  /* tape_ioi_ activation for this volume */
24        2 volume_index fixed bin,                            /* Volume sequence number within volume set */
25        2 volume_density fixed bin,                          /* Actual volume density determined by RCP */
26        2 volume_type fixed bin,                             /* Use rcp_volume_formats.incl.pl1 for decode */
27        2 volume_check fixed bin,                            /* Refer to named constants below for values */
28        2 number_of_vol_labels fixed bin,                    /* # of volume label records on this volume */
29        2 auth_required bit (1),                             /* "1"b => Operator authentication was required */
30        2 mounted bit (1),                                   /* "1"b => volume currently mounted */
31        2 ever_mounted bit (1),                              /* "1"b => volume has been mounted */
32        2 volume_end bit (1),                                /* "1"b => reached end of volume (EOT foil) on write */
33        2 first_file_unexpired bit (1),                      /* "1"b => first file of volume is unexpired */
34        2 dev_att_retry bit (1),                             /* "1"b => DEVICE ATTENTION recovery in progress */
35        2 pwr_off_retry bit (1),                             /* "1"b => POWER OFF recovery in progress */
36        2 mounts fixed bin,                                  /* Number of times volume mounted during attachment */
37        2 tot_error_stats like mtape_err_stats,              /* Summation of error statistics for all mounts */
38        2 rel_error_stats like mtape_err_stats;              /* Summation of error statistics, this mount */
40 /* Named constants applied to volume_check variable, when volume label read by PFMs pfm_init entry */
42 dcl  (MTAPE_VOLUME init (1),                                /* Volume recorded by mtape_ (desired type) */
43      MULT_PRIOR_VOLUME init (2),                            /* Volume recorded by prior Multics software
44                                                                (desired type) */
45      NON_MULT_VOLUME init (3),                              /* Volume recorded by other vendor (desired type) */
46      BLANK_VOLUME init (4),                                 /* Volume is blank/unreadable */
47      UNLABELED_VOLUME init (5),                             /* Volume is unlabeled or has unrecognized label */
48      RECOG_FORMAT_VOLUME init (6)                           /* Volume has label of other recognized format */
49      ) fixed bin int static options (constant);
51 /* END INCLUDE FILE mtape_vol_set.incl.pl1 */