1 /*  BEGIN INCLUDE FILE mtape_pfm_info.incl.pl1. Created by J. A. Bush 06/16/83 */
 2 /* format: style4 */
 4 dcl  mpfmip ptr;
 6 dcl  mtape_pfm_info_version_1 char (8) int static options (constant) init ("mpiv0001");
 8 dcl  1 mtape_pfm_info aligned based (mpfmip),               /* PFM information block */
 9        2 version char (8),                                  /* Current structure version */
10        2 module_id char (21),                               /* For identification of PFM. (e.g. ANSI, IBM, GCOS) */
11        2 open_modes_allowed (3) fixed bin,                  /* Allowable open modes for this PFM */
12        2 bof_prefix char (3),                               /* For identification of BOF labels */
13        2 eov_prefix char (3),                               /* For identification of EOV labels */
14        2 eof_prefix char (3),                               /* For identification of EOF labels */
15        2 no_labels_ok bit (1),                              /* "1"b => PFM processes unlabeled volumes */
16        2 multi_volumes_ok bit (1),                          /* "1"b => PFM processes multi-volume sets */
17        2 extended_error_recovery bit (1),                   /* "1"b => PFM will do error recovery after mtape_ gives up */
18        2 pfm_open_options like pfm_options,                 /* open options common to this PFM */
19        2 pfm_close_options like pfm_options;                /* close options common to this PFM */
21 dcl  1 pfm_options aligned based,                           /* common to open and close pfm options */
22        2 pfm_opt_flags (5),                                 /* identifies use of "pfm_opt_sw (1-5)" close flags */
23          3 flag_name char (32),                             /* name of flag */
24          3 flag_ant_name char (32),                         /* antonym name */
25        2 pfm_opt_value_name (5) char (32),                  /* identifies use of "pfm_opt_value (1-5)" */
26        2 pfm_opt_str_name (5) char (32);                    /* identifies use of "pfm_opt_str (1-5)" */
28 /*  END INCLUDE FILE mtape_pfm_info.incl.pl1 */