1 /* BEGIN INCLUDE FILE mtape_file_status.incl.pl1. Created 02/02/83 by J. A. Bush */
 2 /* format: style4 */
 3 /* This include file defines the structures returned by the "file_status" ("fst"),
 4    and the "file_set_status" ("fsst") control operations */
 6 dcl  fst_ptr ptr;                                           /* Pointer to the file_status info structure */
 7 dcl  fsst_ptr ptr;                                          /* Pointer to the file_set_status info structure */
 8 dcl  f_statp ptr;                                           /* Pointer to file_status structure */
10 dcl  fst_version_1 char (8) int static options (constant) init ("fstv0001");
11 dcl  fsst_version_1 char (8) int static options (constant) init ("fsstv001");
13 dcl  mtape_fsst_nfiles fixed bin;                           /* Set this variable before allocating mtape_fsst structure */
15 dcl  1 mtape_fst aligned based (fst_ptr),                   /* "file_status" info structure */
16        2 version char (8),                                  /* Current version */
17        2 file_type fixed bin,                               /* Use rcp_volume_formats.incl.pl1 for decode */
18        2 f_stat like file_status;                           /* See file_status structure below */
20 dcl  1 mtape_fsst aligned based (fsst_ptr),                 /* "file_set_status" info structure */
21        2 version char (8),                                  /* Current version */
22        2 file_set_id char (32),                             /* File set identifier */
23        2 file_type fixed bin,                               /* Use rcp_volume_formats.incl.pl1 for decode */
24        2 nfiles fixed bin,                                  /* # of files in file set */
25        2 fs_stat (mtape_fsst_nfiles refer (mtape_fsst.nfiles)) like file_status; /* See file_status structure below */
27 dcl  1 file_status based (f_statp) aligned,                 /* file status info template */
28        2 file_state fixed bin,                              /* 0 => Never opened; 1 => File not currently open;
29                                                                2 => File open; 3 => File open & locked for error */
30        2 error_code fixed bin (35),                         /* Error code if file_state = 3 */
31        2 file_id char (32),                                 /* File name or identifier */
32        2 file_seq fixed bin,                                /* File sequence number */
33        2 begin_vol_index fixed bin,                         /* Index to volume file begins on */
34        2 end_vol_index fixed bin,                           /* Index to volume file ends on */
35        2 file_sections fixed bin,                           /* Number of file sections within file */
36        2 generation fixed bin,                              /* File generation number */
37        2 gen_version fixed bin,                             /* File generation version number */
38        2 creation char (6),                                 /* File creation date (" yyddd") */
39        2 expiration char (6),                               /* File expiration date (" yyddd") */
40        2 file_format char (3),                              /* File/block format, PFM dependent */
41        2 block_len fixed bin,                               /* Maximum block length (in 9 bit bytes) */
42        2 reclen fixed bin (21),                             /* Maximum record length (in 9 bit bytes) */
43        2 recording_mode char (6),                           /* ASCII, EBCDIC, BCD, etc */
44        2 block_count fixed bin (35),                        /* # of blocks in this file */
45        2 read_errors fixed bin (35),                        /* # of read errors encountered reading this file */
46        2 write_errors fixed bin (35);                       /* # of write errors encountered writing this file */
48 /* END INCLUDE FILE mtape_file_status.incl.pl1 */