1 /* BEGIN INCLUDE FILE mtape_file_info.incl.pl1. Created by J. A. Bush 10/13/82 */
 2 /* format: style4 */
 4 dcl  fi_ptr ptr;
 6 dcl  mtape_fi_version_1 char (8) int static options (constant) init ("mtfiv001");
 8 dcl  1 mtape_file_info aligned based (fi_ptr),
 9        2 version char (8),                                  /* Current version */
10        2 prev_fi_ptr ptr,                                   /* Pointer to the previous file info structure */
11        2 next_fi_ptr ptr,                                   /* Pointer to the next file info structure */
12        2 first_file_lab_ptr ptr,                            /* Pointer to 1st label record struc. */
13        2 last_file_lab_ptr ptr,                             /* Pointer to last label record struc. */
14        2 first_file_trail_ptr ptr,                          /* Pointer to 1st trailer record struc. */
15        2 last_file_trail_ptr ptr,                           /* Pointer to last trailer record struc. */
16        2 first_file_section_ptr ptr,                        /* Pointer to file_info struct. of 1st file section */
17        2 begin_vs_ptr ptr,                                  /* Pointer to 1st volume set struct. containing this file */
18        2 end_vs_ptr ptr,                                    /* Pointer to last volume set struct. containing this file */
19        2 position_within_file fixed bin,                    /* 0 = In HDR; 1 = In data file; 2 = In trailer;
20                                                                3 = Not positioned within this file
21                                                                4 = At beginning of data file; 5 = At EOF */
22        2 per_file_info,                                     /* Information pertaining to entire file */
23          3 file_id char (32),                               /* File identifier or name */
24          3 file_set_id char (32),                           /* Identifies the file set */
25          3 creation_date char (6),                          /* File creation date in form " yyddd" */
26          3 expiration_date char (6),                        /* File expiration date in form " yyddd" */
27          3 file_code char (3),                              /* Printable file code */
28          3 file_format fixed bin,                           /* Current file format:
29                                                                0 = unspecified; 1 = U; 2 = F; 3 = D or V;
30                                                                4 = S or VS; 5 = FB;
31                                                                6 = DB or VB; 7 = SB or VBS; */
32          3 seq_number fixed bin,                            /* File sequence number */
33          3 generation fixed bin,                            /* File generation number, if supported */
34          3 gen_version fixed bin,                           /* File generation version number, if supported */
35          3 char_size fixed bin,                             /* Size in bits of the data chars of this file */
36          3 hdw_mode fixed bin,                              /* Hardware mode: 1 = binary; 2 = nine; 3 = BCD */
37          3 conversion fixed bin,                            /* File data conversion:
38                                                                1 = no conversion; 2 = ASCII<->EBCDIC; 3 = ASCII<->BCD */
39          3 buffer_offset fixed bin,                         /* Number of bytes prior to data */
40          3 length_mode fixed bin,                           /* 0 => W/R mod 4 blocks; 1 => W/R non-mod 4 blocks */
41          3 block_size fixed bin (21),                       /* Maximum block size for this file */
42          3 record_size fixed bin (21),                      /* Maximum record size for this file */
43          3 native_file bit (1),                             /* "1"b => current file written by mtape_ PFM */
44          3 user_labels_present bit (1),                     /* "1"b => UHL<n>/UTL<n> are present */
45          3 unlabeled_file bit (1),                          /* "1"b => this is unlabeled file */
46          3 pfm_opt_sw (5) bit (1),                          /* PFM dependent */
47          3 pfm_opt_value (5) fixed bin (35),                /* PFM dependent */
48          3 pfm_opt_str (5) char (32),                       /* PFM dependent */
49        2 per_section_info,                                  /* Information pertaining only to this file section */
50          3 section fixed bin,                               /* File section number for multi-volume files */
51          3 phy_file fixed bin,                              /* Phy. file of HDR label GRP, on the current volume */
52          3 first_file_on_volume bit (1),                    /* "1"b => First file or file section on this volume */
53          3 end_of_file_set bit (1),                         /* "1"b => This is last file of file set */
54          3 block_count fixed bin (35),                      /* Number of blocks in this file section */
55          3 read_errors fixed bin (35),                      /* of errors encountered reading this file */
56          3 write_errors fixed bin (35);                     /* of errors encountered writing this file */
58 /* END INCLUDE FILE mtape_file_info.incl.pl1 */