1 /*        Begin include file ... mstd.incl.pl1
 2 *
 3 *         Created by  Bill Silver  on 12/30/73
 4 *         This include file describes the work variables needed to process a Multics standard
 5 *         tape.  This include file must be used with the include file:  mstr.incl.pl1.
 6 */
 8 dcl       mstd_ptr  ptr;                          /* Pointer to tape_ dim data area. */
11 dcl    1  mstd      based (mstd_ptr)  aligned,    /* Multics standard tape dim data area. */
12           2  head   like  mstr_header,            /* Dummy tape record header. */
13           2  trail  like  mstr_trailer,           /* Dummy tape record trailer. */
14           2  flags,                               /* Flags we need that aren't in head.flags. */
15            ( 3  abs_record    bit(1),             /* ON => absent (missing) record. */
16              3  bad_backup    bit(1),             /* ON => error doing backspace. */
17              3  bad_format    bit(1),             /* ON => format error in record. */
18              3  bad_record    bit(1),             /* ON => record not processed correctly. */
19              3  begin         bit(1),             /* ON => begin processing tape. */
20              3  eod           bit(1),             /* ON => End of good Data. */
21              3  eof           bit(1)) unal,       /* ON => End of File. */
22           2  work,                                /* Work variables used. */
23              3  buf_pos       fixed bin,          /* Current position within current bufffer. */
24              3  curr_buf      fixed bin,          /* Current buffer being processed. */
25              3  error_buf     fixed bin,          /* Number of buffer at which error occurred. */
26              3  error_count   fixed bin,          /* Total number of errors . */
27              3  error_status  bit(72),            /* Hardware error status. */
28              3  label_uid     bit(72),            /* Unique ID of label record. */
29              3  last_buf      fixed bin,          /* Starting buffer in last call to tdcm_. */
30              3  last_count    fixed bin,          /* Num of buffers processed in last call to tdcm_. */
31              3  next_buf      fixed bin,          /* Starting buffer in next call to tdcm_. */
32              3  next_count    fixed bin,          /* Num of buffers to be processed in next call to tdcm_. */
33              3  rec_word_size fixed bin,          /* Size of data record in words. */
34              3  save_ptr_1    ptr,                /* These two variables are used to temporarily ... */
35              3  save_ptr_2    ptr,                /* save work pointers. */
36              3  sub_buf_num   fixed bin,          /* Number of buffers in each subset. */
37              3  tot_buf_num   fixed bin,          /* Total number of buffers being used. */
38           2  buffer (1040)    fixed bin(35);      /* Work buffer. */
41 /*        End of include file ... mstd.incl.pl1   */