1 /* BEGIN INCLUDE FILE mrds_rst_semantics.incl.pl1 jeg 8/31/78 */
 3 /* structure to remember what directives have been seen and are active */
 5 declare 1 directive based (directive_ptr),
 6         2 type fixed binary,                                /* stmt structure index for given directive */
 7         2 undefine,
 8           3 active bit (1) unal,
 9           3 seen bit (1) unal,
10           3 pad bit (34) unal,
11         2 define,
12           3 active bit (1) unal,
13           3 seen bit (1) unal,
14           3 pad bit (34) unal,
15         2 redefine,
16           3 active bit (1) unal,
17           3 seen bit (1) unal,
18           3 pad bit (34) unal,
19         2 cmdb,
20           3 active bit (1) unal,
21           3 seen bit (1) unal,
22           3 pad bit (34) unal ;
24 declare  directive_ptr ptr internal static ;
26 /* encoding for directive types */
28 declare  UNDEFINE fixed bin internal static options (constant) init (1) ;
29 declare  DEFINE fixed bin internal static options (constant) init (2) ;
30 declare  REDEFINE fixed bin internal static options (constant) init (3) ;
31 declare  CMDB fixed binary internal static options (constant) init (4) ;
34 /* structure to remember what statements have been seen, are active,
35    and how many items are in the statement, and how big the list for the last item was */
37 declare 1 stmt (4) based (stmt_ptr),
38         2 domain,
39           3 active bit (1) unal,
40           3 pad bit (35) unal,
41           3 number fixed binary,
42         2 attribute,
43           3 active bit (1) unal,
44           3 pad bit (35) unal,
45           3 number fixed binary,
46         2 relation,
47           3 active bit (1) unal,
48           3 pad bit (35) unal,
49           3 number fixed binary,
50         2 file,
51           3 active bit (1) unal,
52           3 pad bit (35) unal,
53           3 number fixed binary,
54         2 foreign_key,
55           3 active bit (1) unal,
56           3 pad bit (35) unal,
57           3 number fixed binary,
58         2 index,
59           3 active bit (1) unal,
60           3 pad bit (35) unal,
61           3 number fixed binary ;
63 /* NOTE:
64    active ON => this stmt/directive is currently being processed
65    seen ON => this stmt/directive was or is being processed
66 */
68 declare  stmt_ptr ptr internal static ;
70 /* END INCLUDE FILE mrds_rst_semantics.incl.pl1 */