1 /*  START OF:       mrds_rst_arg_info.incl.pl1                *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  */
 4 /* This structure contains information describing some of the attributes
 5    of mrds relations.  */
 7 dcl  1 db_relation_modes,
 8      2 dm_file_type           bit (1),                      /* Set if the relation is a dm_file.  Not set if a vfile */
 9      2 protection_on          bit (1),                      /* Set if protection is enabled for a dm file */
10      2 concurrency_on         bit (1),                      /* Set if concurrency is enabled (protected files only \) */
11      2 rollback_on            bit (1);                      /* Set if before journals are to be kept (protected files only) */
15 /* This structure contains the information determined about
16    create_mrds_db control arguments   */
18 dcl 1 arg_info based (ai_ptr),
19     2 list bit (1) unal init ("0"b),                        /* ON => Create a listing segment */
20     2 twd bit (1) unal init ("0"b),                         /* ON => a temporary working directory path was supplied */
21     2 secure bit (1) unal init ("0"b),                      /* on => set secured bit in db_model at creation time */
22     2 force bit (1) unal init ("0"b),                       /* on => delete existing dir of same name as new db */
23     2 relation_mode_flags like db_relation_modes,
24     2 unused bit (23) unal init ("0"b),                     /* reserved for future use */
25     2 source_dir char (168),                                /* Directory pathname of source (INPUT) segment */
26     2 source_entry char (32),                               /* Entry name of source segment */
27     2 db_dir_path char (168),                               /* Pathname of database directory */
28     2 temp_work_dir char (168);                             /* Pathname of temporary working directory */
30 dcl  ai_ptr ptr;                                            /* Pointer to arg_info structure */
32 /*  END OF:         mrds_rst_arg_info.incl.pl1                *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  */