1 /* BEGIN mrds_retrieve_info.incl.pl1   -- RDL,  11/10/77   */
 3 /* HISTORY:
 4    Originator unknown:
 5    81-07-16 Roger Lackey : to add auto_dup_determined and make  other switches unal
 6 */
 7 dcl 1 retrieve_info aligned based (dbcb.retr_info_ptr),     /* Retrieve static data */
 8     2 version fixed bin (35),                               /* Version number */
 9     2 retain_dup bit (1) unal,                              /* On = duplicates must be preserved */
10     2 first_sw bit (1) unal,                                /* On = new set selection expression */
11     2 auto_dup_determined bit (1) unal,                     /* ON = that auto dup has been determined for the current sel exp */
12     2 reserved bit (33) unal,                               /* Reserved for furture use */
13     2 unique_count fixed bin (17),                          /* Unique records retrieve */
14     2 ret_fd_ptr (mrds_data_$max_sets) ptr;                 /* Array of pointers to sec_retrieve temp file desc */
17 dcl  retrieve_info_version fixed bin (35) int static options (constant) init (1);
19 /* END mrds_retrieve_info.incl.pl1  */