1 /* BEGIN mrds_lit_info.incl.pl1 -- jaw, 2/13/79 */
 3 /* HISTORY:
 5    81-05-06  Rickie  E.  Brinegar: The declaration encd_ptr ptr was changed to
 6    encd_entry  entry  and encd_proc bit (1) and pad bit (35) were added.  This
 7    was  done  inoder to permit make use of cu_$generate call and eliminate the
 8    use of cv_ptr_ to generate entry pointers.
10    81-06-01 Jim Gray : removed assn_len and ass_len structure elements,
11    as these are not used, with the advent of mu_convert.
13 */
15 dcl 1 lit_info aligned based (lip),                         /* info for make literal call */
16     2 src_ptr ptr,                                          /* to literal source data */
17     2 srcd_ptr ptr,                                         /* to literal source descr. */
18     2 encd_entry entry,                                     /* to encode proc. entry */
19     2 encd_proc bit (1) unal,                               /* does an encode proc exist? */
20     2 pad bit (35) unal,
21     2 encdd_ptr ptr,                                        /* to descr. for input to encode proc */
22     2 litd_ptr ptr,                                         /* to descr. to final liter. val. */
23     2 lit_ptr ptr,                                          /* to final literal value */
24     2 encd_blen fixed bin (35),                             /* to bit length for encode proc input */
25     2 lit_blen fixed bin (35),                              /* to bit length for final literal */
26     2 lit_offset fixed bin (35);                            /* to offset for final literal in lit. pool */
28 dcl  lip ptr;
30 /* END mrds_lit_info.incl.pl1 */