1 /*        BEGIN INCLUDE FILE            mrds_dsm_rel_block.incl.pl1
 3    Created October, 1975 for release in MR 4.0
 5    The relation_block contains the relation name and  the  attribute
 6    names and access information
10    80-04-10 Spratt: changed to have version  number,  be  explicitly
11    .        based, use an automatic variable in the refer for num of
12    .        attributes,  add access flags for rel and attr's, remove
13    .        attr key flags. This is for the  first  Attribute  Level
14    .        Security version of MRDS.
16    81-01-14 Davids: increased submodel rel  and  attr  names  to  64
17    .        characters and made dsm_rel_name char  varying.  changed
18    .        access  bits  from  a  bit  string to individually named
19    .        flags.
20 */
22 dcl  relation_block_ptr ptr;
23 dcl  rb_number_of_attributes fixed bin (35);
24 dcl  RELATION_BLOCK_VERSION_1 fixed bin (35) internal static options (constant) init (1);
26 dcl 1 relation_block based (relation_block_ptr),
27                                                             /* Relation block */
28     2 version fixed bin (35),
29     2 dsm_rel_name char (64) varying,                       /* Data submodel relation name */
30     2 dm_rel_name char (32),                                /* Data model relation name */
31     2 rel_access unal,
32       3 append bit (1),
33       3 delete bit (1),
34       3 null bit (1),
35       3 mbz1 bit (33),
36     2 no_rb_attributes fixed bin,                           /* The number of attributes in this relation */
37     2 attribute_info (rb_number_of_attributes refer (relation_block.no_rb_attributes)),
38       3 dsm_attr_name char (64) varying,                    /* Data submodel attribute name */
39       3 attr_access unal,                                   /* Data submodel attribute flags */
40         4 read bit (1),
41         4 modify bit (1),
42         4 null bit (1),
43         4 mbz2 bit (33),                                    /* For future use */
44       3 dm_attr_name char (32) varying,                     /* Data model attribute name */
45       3 dm_attr_flags,                                      /* Data model attribute flags */
46         4 mbz3 bit (36);                                    /* For future use */
48 /*        END INCLUDE FILE              mrds_dsm_rel_block.incl.pl1  */