1 /*        BEGIN INCLUDE FILE            mrds_dsm_fil_list_block.incl.pl1
 3    Created October, 1978 for release in MR 7.0
 5    The dsm_file_list_block.incl contains the file name
 6 */
 8 dcl 1 file_list_block based,                                /* file_list block */
 9     2 dsm_fil_name char (32),                               /* Data submodel file name */
10     2 pad1 char (32),                                       /* unused */
11     2 no_rb_dmfiles fixed bin,                              /* The number of data model files in this file */
12     2 dmfile_info (1 refer (no_rb_dmfiles)), /* currently only one dm file per dsm file is allowed */
13       3 dmfile_name char (32),                              /* Data model name */
14       3 pad2 char(40);                            /* pad chars. to correspond to size of block allocated by mrds_dsm_parse_exp */
16 /*        END INCLUDE FILE              mrds_dsm_fil_list_block.incl.pl1  */