1 /* BEGIN INCLUDE FILE ..... mrds_dsl_keywords.incl.pl1 ..... 03/17/87  1851.1 est Tue kwsl (generated) */
  2           /* Keywords from >user_dir_dir>MRDS>Hergert>p>mrds_dsl.grammar
  3              Generated from >udd>MRDS>Hergert>p>mrds_dsl.lalr
  4              by Hergert.MRDS.a
  5              at Ford ECC Multics A
  6              on 03/17/87  1825.8 est Tue */
  8 /* this is the list of keywords and their synonyms that are known to the scanner. */
 11   1) change(87-11-23,Hergert), approve(88-06-28,MCR7903),
 12      audit(88-06-28,Dupuis), install(88-08-01,MR12.2-1073):
 13      Created for for new parser.
 14                                                    END HISTORY COMMENTS */
 16 dcl 1 keyword aligned internal static options (constant),
 17     2 name (74) unaligned char (24) init(
 18           /*   1 */ "&",                    /*   1 &                   */
 19           /*   2 */ "(",                    /*   2 (                   */
 20           /*   3 */ "(+)",                  /*   3 (+)                 */
 21           /*   4 */ ")",                    /*   4 )                   */
 22           /*   5 */ "*",                    /*   5 *                   */
 23           /*   6 */ "+",                    /*   6 +                   */
 24           /*   7 */ ",",                    /*   7 ,                   */
 25           /*   8 */ "-",                    /*   8 -                   */
 26           /*   9 */ "-all_of",              /*   9 -all_of             */
 27           /*  10 */ "-and",                 /*   1 &                   */
 28           /*  11 */ "-any_of",              /*  10 -any_of             */
 29           /*  12 */ "-ascending",           /*  11 -ascending          */
 30           /*  13 */ "-current",             /*  12 -current            */
 31           /*  14 */ "-descending",          /*  13 -descending         */
 32           /*  15 */ "-differ",              /*  14 -differ             */
 33           /*  16 */ "-distinct",            /*  15 -distinct           */
 34           /*  17 */ "-dup",                 /*  16 -dup                */
 35           /*  18 */ "-from",                /*  33 -range              */
 36           /*  19 */ "-group_by",            /*  17 -group_by           */
 37           /*  20 */ "-having",              /*  18 -having             */
 38           /*  21 */ "-inter",               /*  19 -inter              */
 39           /*  22 */ "-is_between",          /*  20 -is_between         */
 40           /*  23 */ "-is_in",               /*  21 -is_in              */
 41           /*  24 */ "-is_like",             /*  22 -is_like            */
 42           /*  25 */ "-is_not_between",      /*  23 -is_not_between     */
 43           /*  26 */ "-is_not_in",           /*  24 -is_not_in          */
 44           /*  27 */ "-is_not_like",         /*  25 -is_not_like        */
 45           /*  28 */ "-is_not_null",         /*  26 -is_not_null        */
 46           /*  29 */ "-is_null",             /*  27 -is_null            */
 47           /*  30 */ "-no_optimize",         /*  28 -no_optimize        */
 48           /*  31 */ "-no_ot",               /*  29 -no_ot              */
 49           /*  32 */ "-not",                 /*  53 ^                   */
 50           /*  33 */ "-or",                  /*  55 |                   */
 51           /*  34 */ "-order_by",            /*  30 -order_by           */
 52           /*  35 */ "-print_search_order",  /*  31 -print_search_order */
 53           /*  36 */ "-pso",                 /*  32 -pso                */
 54           /*  37 */ "-range",               /*  33 -range              */
 55           /*  38 */ "-select",              /*  34 -select             */
 56           /*  39 */ "-union",               /*  35 -union              */
 57           /*  40 */ "-where",               /*  36 -where              */
 58           /*  41 */ ".",                    /*  37 .                   */
 59           /*  42 */ ".V.",                  /*  38 .V.                 */
 60           /*  43 */ ".X.",                  /*  39 .X.                 */
 61           /*  44 */ ".v.",                  /*  38 .V.                 */
 62           /*  45 */ ".x.",                  /*  39 .X.                 */
 63           /*  46 */ "/",                    /*  40 /                   */
 64           /*  47 */ "::",                   /*  41 ::                  */
 65           /*  48 */ "<",                    /*  42 <                   */
 66           /*  49 */ "<=",                   /*  43 <=                  */
 67           /*  50 */ "<>",                   /*  54 ^=                  */
 68           /*  51 */ "<bit_string>",         /*  44 <bit_string>        */
 69           /*  52 */ "<integer>",            /*  45 <integer>           */
 70           /*  53 */ "<string>",             /*  46 <string>            */
 71           /*  54 */ "<symbol>",             /*  47 <symbol>            */
 72           /*  55 */ "=",                    /*  48 =                   */
 73           /*  56 */ "=<",                   /*  43 <=                  */
 74           /*  57 */ "=>",                   /*  50 >=                  */
 75           /*  58 */ ">",                    /*  49 >                   */
 76           /*  59 */ "><",                   /*  54 ^=                  */
 77           /*  60 */ ">=",                   /*  50 >=                  */
 78           /*  61 */ "[",                    /*  51 [                   */
 79           /*  62 */ "]",                    /*  52 ]                   */
 80           /*  63 */ "^",                    /*  53 ^                   */
 81           /*  64 */ "^<",                   /*  50 >=                  */
 82           /*  65 */ "^<=",                  /*  49 >                   */
 83           /*  66 */ "^<>",                  /*  48 =                   */
 84           /*  67 */ "^=",                   /*  54 ^=                  */
 85           /*  68 */ "^=<",                  /*  49 >                   */
 86           /*  69 */ "^=>",                  /*  42 <                   */
 87           /*  70 */ "^>",                   /*  43 <=                  */
 88           /*  71 */ "^><",                  /*  48 =                   */
 89           /*  72 */ "^>=",                  /*  42 <                   */
 90           /*  73 */ "|",                    /*  55 |                   */
 91           /*  74 */ "||"),                  /*  56 ||                  */
 93 /* This table contains the codes that are known to the parser. One code
 94    per token. Synonomous tokens have the same code. */
 95     2 value (74) fixed bin init (
 96           1,        2,        3,        4,        5,        6,        7,
 97           8,        9,        1,        10,       11,       12,       13,
 98           14,       15,       16,       33,       17,       18,       19,
 99           20,       21,       22,       23,       24,       25,       26,
100           27,       28,       29,       53,       55,       30,       31,
101           32,       33,       34,       35,       36,       37,       38,
102           39,       38,       39,       40,       41,       42,       43,
103           54,       44,       45,       46,       47,       48,       43,
104           50,       49,       54,       50,       51,       52,       53,
105           50,       49,       48,       54,       49,       42,       43,
106           48,       42,       55,       56),
108 /* This table is used for error reporting. It decides that the keyword is
109    a "major" one. These currently are -differ, -range, -group_by, -having,
110    -inter, -order_by, -from, -select, -union, -where */
111     2 major_keyword (74) bit unaligned init (
112 /* 1-7   */ "0"b,     "0"b,     "0"b,     "0"b,     "0"b,     "0"b,     "0"b,
113 /* 8-14  */ "0"b,     "0"b,     "0"b,     "0"b,     "0"b,     "0"b,     "0"b,
114 /* 15-21 */ "1"b,     "0"b,     "0"b,     "1"b,     "1"b,     "1"b,     "1"b,
115 /* 22-28 */ "0"b,     "0"b,     "0"b,     "0"b,     "0"b,     "0"b,     "0"b,
116 /* 29-35 */ "0"b,     "0"b,     "0"b,     "0"b,     "0"b,     "1"b,     "0"b,
117 /* 36-42 */ "0"b,     "1"b,     "1"b,     "1"b,     "1"b,     "0"b,     "0"b,
118 /* 43-49 */ "0"b,     "0"b,     "0"b,     "0"b,     "0"b,     "0"b,     "0"b,
119 /* 50-56 */ "0"b,     "0"b,     "0"b,     "0"b,     "0"b,     "0"b,     "0"b,
120 /* 57-63 */ "0"b,     "0"b,     "0"b,     "0"b,     "0"b,     "0"b,     "0"b,
121 /* 64-70 */ "0"b,     "0"b,     "0"b,     "0"b,     "0"b,     "0"b,     "0"b,
122 /* 71-74 */ "0"b,     "0"b,     "0"b,     "0"b);
124 /*   END INCLUDE FILE ..... mrds_dsl_keywords.incl.pl1 ..... */