1 /*  BEGIN INCLUDE  mrds_dm_display_info.incl.pl1       */
 6   1) change(85-12-07,Spitzer), approve(85-12-07,MCR7311),
 7      audit(86-09-02,Blair), install(86-10-16,MR12.0-1187):
 8      Add flag fields for unreferenced objects and crossrefs.
 9                                                    END HISTORY COMMENTS */
12 dcl 1 mrds_dm_display_info aligned based (mrds_dm_display_info_ptr),
13     2 version fixed bin,
14     2 output_iocb_ptr ptr,                                  /* Output iocb pointer */
15     2 db_path char (168) unal,                              /* Absolute pathname of the database */
16     2 temp_dir_path char (168) unal,                        /* Absolute pathname of temp dir */
17     2 work_area_ptr ptr,                                    /* Pointer to freeing area */
18     2 dbm_ptr ptr,                                          /* Pointer to the db_model of the database */
19     2 sw,                                                   /* Control switches */
20       3 default bit (1) unal,                               /* Neither -long or -brief */
21       3 long bit (1) unal,                                  /* On = long mode */
22       3 cmdb bit (1) unal,                                  /* On = cmdb type output */
23       3 names_only bit (1) unal,                            /* Only the name for either relation, attribute, domain, index
24                                                                name_list is pointer to by mrds_dm_display_info.name_list_ptr */
25       3 domains bit (1) unal,                               /* Domain info only */
26       3 attribute bit (1) unal,                             /* Attibute info only */
27       3 relation bit (1) unal,                              /* Relation info only */
28       3 index bit (1) unal,                                 /* Index relation info only */
29       3 history bit (1) unal,                               /* On = list history */
30       3 header bit (1) unal,                                /* On = display header */
31       3 unreferenced_domains bit (1) unal,                  /* On = display only unreferenced domains */
32       3 unreferenced_attributes bit (1) unal,               /* On = display only unreferenced attributes */
33       3 domain_xref bit (1) unal,                           /* On = display a domain crossreference */
34       3 attribute_xref bit (1) unal,                        /* On = display an attribute crossreference */
35       3 all_xref bit (1) unal,                              /* On = display a complete crossreference */
36       3 mbz bit (21) unal,                                  /* Unnused  must be zeros */
37                                                             /* The following  are pointer to name list like
38                                                                name_list  structure below */
40     2 dom_name_list_ptr ptr,                                /* Pointer to domain name list */
41     2 attr_name_list_ptr ptr,                               /* Pointer to attribute name list */
42     2 rel_name_list_ptr ptr,                                /* Pointer to relation name list */
43     2 index_name_list_ptr ptr,                              /* Pointer to index rel name list */
45     2 xref_iocb_ptr ptr,                                    /* Pointer to database xref */
46     2 xref_name char (32) unaligned;                        /* Name of xref file created */
48 dcl 1 name_list aligned based (name_list_ptr),              /* General name list */
49     2 num_names fixed bin,                                  /* Number of names in list */
50     2 name (num_names_alloc refer (name_list.num_names)) char (32);
52 dcl  mrds_dm_display_info_ptr pointer;
53 dcl  name_list_ptr pointer;
54 dcl  MRDS_DM_DISPLAY_INFO_VERSION_1 int static options (constant) init (1);
55 dcl  num_names_alloc fixed bin;
57 /*  END INCLUDE  mrds_dm_display_info.incl.pl1       */