1 /* BEGIN INCLUDE FILE mrds_database_list.incl.pl1 - - Jim Gray July 1979 */
 3 /* used by mrds_dsl_list_dbs to return an array of database opening information,
 4    the databases opened for the calling process have their opening index
 5    and opening model or submodel pathname returned in the array */
 7 declare  database_list_ptr ptr ;                            /* points to array of indexes/pathnames */
 9 declare 1 database_list aligned based (database_list_ptr),  /* array of paths/indexes */
10         2 number_open fixed bin,                            /* total open by this process */
11         2 db (number_of_openings refer (database_list.number_open)), /* array of open db info */
12           3 index fixed bin (35),                           /* database opening index */
13           3 path char (168);                                /* model or submodel opening pathname */
15 declare  number_of_openings fixed bin ;                     /* total number open by this process */
17 /* END INCLUDE FILE mrds_database_list.incl.pl1 */