1 /*  BEGIN INCLUDE FILE:       mowse_mcb.incl.pl1                        *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  */
 4   1) change(86-05-17,Smith), approve(87-07-15,MCR7580),
 5      audit(87-07-30,RBarstad), install(87-08-07,MR12.1-1075):
 6      Created to define the mcb (Mowse Control Block)
 7      for information on capabilities.
 8   2) change(86-11-27,Flegel), approve(86-11-27,MCR7580),
 9      audit(87-07-30,RBarstad), install(87-08-07,MR12.1-1075):
10      Approved.
11                                                    END HISTORY COMMENTS */
12 /* MOWSE control block */
13 /* format: style4,indattr,ifthen,^indcomtxt,thendo,^indproc,^indblkcom,initcol1,declareind8,dclind4,struclvlind3,comcol55 */
14 dcl 01 mcb                 based,
15        02 version          char (8),
16        02 capability_name  char (32),                 /* Name of capability */
17        02 major_capability fixed bin (17),            /* Capability number */
18        02 inbuff_length    fixed bin (17),            /* Length of buffer */
19        02 inbuff_position_index
20                            fixed bin (17),            /* Current position in inbuffer */
21        02 inbuff_data_length
22                            fixed bin (17),            /* Amoiunt of data in inbuffer */
23        02 outbuff_length   fixed bin (17),            /* Length of outbuffer */
24        02 mbz1             bit (36) unal,
25        02 entry_var        entry options (variable),  /* Message processor entry point of capability */
26        02 data_block_ptr   ptr,                       /* Capability  data */
27        02 inbuff           ptr,                       /* Message input buffer */
28        02 outbuff_list_start
29                            ptr,                       /* Pointer to outbuffer data */
30        02 outbuff_list_end ptr,                       /* Last node in outbuffer data */
31        02 iocb_ptr         ptr,                       /* IOCB to mowse_io_ */
32        02 mowse_info_ptr   ptr;                       /* MOWSE information */
33                                                       /* Output buffer linked list node */
34 dcl 01 output_buffer       based,
35        02 destination_system
36                            char,                      /* Destination of message */
37        02 destination_major char,
38        02 destination_minor char,
39        02 buffer_position  fixed bin,                 /* Position in buffer of message */
40        02 buffer_length    fixed bin,                 /* Length of buffer */
41        02 next_buffer      ptr,                       /* Next buffer of message */
42        02 data             ptr;                       /* Pointer to message */
44 /*  END INCLUDE FILE:         mowse_mcb.incl.pl1                        *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  */