1 /*  BEGIN INCLUDE FILE:       mowse_info.incl.pl1                       *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  */
  4   1) change(86-07-19,Smith), approve(87-07-15,MCR7580),
  5      audit(87-07-30,RBarstad), install(87-08-07,MR12.1-1075):
  6      Created to define MOWSE information to be
  7      placed into a temp segment.
  8   2) change(86-11-27,Flegel), approve(86-11-27,MCR7580),
  9      audit(87-07-30,RBarstad), install(87-08-07,MR12.1-1075):
 10      Approved.
 11   3) change(87-02-25,Flegel), approve(87-02-25,MCR7580),
 12      audit(87-07-30,RBarstad), install(87-08-07,MR12.1-1075):
 13      Added bit switches to the init_mowse_info structure as well as the force
 14      flag.
 15   4) change(87-03-24,Flegel), approve(87-03-24,MCR7580),
 16      audit(87-07-30,RBarstad), install(87-08-07,MR12.1-1075):
 17      Added open_struc for passing EOP and escape char info from attach_mowse
 18      to mowse_io_.
 19                                                    END HISTORY COMMENTS */
 21 /* CAT index limits */
 23 /* format: style4,indattr,ifthen,^indcomtxt,thendo,^indproc,^indblkcom,initcol1,declareind8,dclind4,struclvlind3,comcol55 */
 24 dcl MINIMUM_CAT_ENTRY      fixed bin int static options (constant) init (33);
 25 dcl MAXIMUM_CAT_ENTRY      fixed bin int static options (constant) init (64);
 27 dcl CAPABILITY_NAME_LENGTH fixed bin int static options (constant) init (32);
 29 /* Mowse information structure */
 31 dcl 01 mowse_info          based aligned,
 32        02 version          char (8),
 33        02 local_cat        dimension (33:64),         /* Multics CAT table */
 34           03 flags,
 35              04 reset      bit (1) unal,              /* Reset in progress */
 36              04 suspended  bit (1) unal,              /* Suspended applciation */
 37              04 status     bit (1) unal,              /* Status pending */
 38              04 mbz1       bit (33) unal,
 39           03 sleep_time    fixed bin,                 /* Time application is sleeping */
 40           03 mcb_ptr       ptr,                       /* Capability MCB */
 41        02 remote_cat       dimension (33:64),         /* PC CAT table */
 42           03 major_capability
 43                            fixed bin,                 /* Capability number */
 44           03 capability_name char (32),               /* Name of capability */
 45           03 flags,
 46              04 reset      bit (1) unal,              /* Reset in progress */
 47              04 suspended  bit (1) unal,              /* Suspended capability */
 48              04 sleep_time bit (1) unal,              /* Application sleeping */
 49              04 mbz2       bit (33) unal,
 50        02 message_manager_info,                       /* Info for processing messages */
 51           03 head_list_ptr ptr,                       /* Head of message list */
 52           03 tail_list_ptr ptr,                       /* Tail of message list */
 53           03 pending_messages
 54                            fixed bin,                 /* Number of pending messages */
 55        02 mowse_flags,
 56           03 trace         bit (1) unal,              /* Message tracing facility active */
 57           03 debug         bit (1) unal,              /* Debugging packets facility active */
 58           03 error_handled bit (1) unal,              /* In mowse_error_handler procedure */
 59           03 mbz1          bit (33) unal,
 60           03 trace_file_iocb ptr,                     /* Trace file iocb */
 61           03 debug_file_iocb ptr,                     /* Debug file iocb */
 62        02 init_mowse_info_ptr
 63                            ptr;                       /* Initialization information */
 65 /* MOWSE initialization information */
 67 dcl init_mowse_info_ptr    ptr;
 68 dcl 01 init_mowse_info     based (init_mowse_info_ptr),
 69        02 version          char (8),
 70        02 flags,                                      /* Bit switches */
 71           03 trace_sw      bit (1) unal,
 72           03 debug_sw      bit (1) unal,
 73           03 io_switch_sw  bit (1) unal,
 74           03 force_sw      bit (1) unal,
 75           03 start_up_sw   bit (1) unal,
 76           03 escape_sw     bit (1) unal,
 77           03 network_sw    bit (1) unal,
 78           03 pad           bit (29) unal,
 79        02 escape,
 80           03 chars         (0:255) bit (1) unal,      /* Character escapes */
 81           03 pad           bit (32) unal,
 82        02 trace            char (512) var,            /* Trace file name */
 83        02 debug            char (512) var,            /* Debug file name */
 84        02 io_switch        char (512) var,            /* Io switch name of mowse_io_ attachment */
 85        02 startup          (MAXIMUM_CAT_ENTRY - MINIMUM_CAT_ENTRY + 1)
 86                            char (168) var;            /* Capability to be autoloaded */
 88 /* Open description structure (this is padded to character bounds as it
 89    is a character overlay structure - passed as a character string) */
 91 dcl open_struc_ptr         ptr;
 92 dcl 01 open_struc          based (open_struc_ptr),
 93        02 flags,
 94           03 network_sw    bit (1) unal,
 95           03 escape_sw     bit (1) unal,
 96           03 pad           bit (7) unal,
 97        02 escape,
 98           03 switches      (0:255) bit (1) unal,
 99           03 pad           bit (32) unal,
100        02 mbz              bit (16) unal;
102 /*  END INCLUDE FILE:         mowse_info.incl.pl1                       *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  */