1 /* Begin include file monitor_sys_log_info_.incl.pl1 */
 4   1) change(86-08-01,Ex), approve(86-08-01,MCR7456), audit(86-08-01,Wong),
 5      install(86-11-03,MR12.0-1149):
 6      Changed by Rick Kissel to support DSA System and system aep logs, using
 7      the -dsasl and -dsasal control arguments.
 8                                                    END HISTORY COMMENTS */
10 /* format: style3,idind30 */
12 /*****************************************************************************
13  *  This include file declares the monitor_sys_log_data and                  *
14  *  monitor_sys_log_array structures used by monitor_sys_log as part of the  *
15  *  logging tools.                                                           *
16  *****************************************************************************/
19 declare   1 monitor_sys_log_data_       external static,
20             2 initialized               bit (1) init ("0"b),
21             2 active                    bit (1) init ("0"b),/* timer manager is turned on */
22             2 wakeup_interval           fixed bin (71) init (10),
23                                                             /* seconds */
24             2 n_logs                    fixed bin init (0),
25             2 n_logs_on_timer           fixed bin init (0),
26             2 wakeup_event_channel      fixed bin (71) init (0),
27             2 log_array_ptr             pointer init (null ());
29 declare   monitor_sys_log_array_ptr     pointer;
30 declare   1 monitor_sys_log_array       aligned based (monitor_sys_log_array_ptr),
31             2 n_entries                 fixed bin,
32             2 entry                     (msl_n_entries refer (monitor_sys_log_array.n_entries)) aligned,
33               3 dir_name                char (168) unal,
34               3 entryname               char (32) unal,
35               3 log_read_ptr            pointer,
36               3 the_syserr_log          bit (1) aligned,
37               3 the_as_log              bit (1) aligned,
38               3 the_admin_log           bit (1) aligned,
39               3 the_dm_log              bit (1) aligned,
40               3 the_dsas_log            bit (1) aligned,
41               3 the_dsasa_log           bit (1) aligned,
42               3 inhibited               bit (1) aligned,    /* -off in effect */
43               3 interpret_sw            bit (1) aligned,
44               3 octal_sw                bit (1) aligned,
45               3 registered              bit (1) aligned,    /* don't look kere on the timer */
46               3 data_class_sw           bit (1) aligned,    /* print data class */
47               3 process_id_sw           bit (1) aligned,    /* print process id */
48               3 expand_select_ptr       pointer,            /* expansion */
49               3 lmd_ptr                 pointer,            /* selection */
50               3 iocb_ptr                pointer,            /* print here */
51               3 format_ptr              pointer,            /* format like this */
52               3 last_sequence           fixed bin (35),
53               3 last_message_ptr        pointer,            /* the last one we read */
54               3 prev_message_ptr        pointer,            /* the one before that */
55               3 registered_wakeup_event_channel
56                                         fixed bin (71),
57               3 call_command            aligned,
58                 4 ptr                   pointer,
59                 4 length                fixed bin (21);
61 declare   msl_n_entries                 fixed bin;
63 /* End include file monitor_sys_log_info_.incl.pl1 */