1 /* BEGIN INCLUDE FILE ... mlsys_reply_options.incl.pl1 */
 2 /* Created:  June 1983 by G. Palter */
 4 /* Options for the mlsys_utils_$create_reply_message entrypoint */
 6 dcl  1 reply_options aligned based (reply_options_ptr),
 7        2 version character (8) unaligned,
 8        2 to pointer,                                        /* -> address list of additional primary recipients */
 9        2 cc pointer,                                        /* -> address list of additional secondary recipients */
10        2 bcc pointer,                                       /* -> address list of additional blind recipients */
11        2 flags,
12          3 include_authors bit (1) unaligned,               /* ON => include the authors of the message in the reply */
13          3 include_recipients bit (1) unaligned,            /* ON => include the recipients in the reply */
14          3 include_self bit (1) unaligned,                  /* ON => include yourself in an author or recipient of the
15                                                                original and the approrpriate flag above is on */
16          3 mbz bit (33) unaligned;                          /* must be set to ""b by the caller */
18 dcl  REPLY_OPTIONS_VERSION_2 character (8) static options (constant) initial ("mlsrp002");
20 dcl  reply_options_ptr pointer;
22 /* END INCLUDE FILE ... mlsys_reply_options.incl.pl1 */