1 /* BEGIN INCLUDE FILE ... mlsys_format_options.incl.pl1 */
 2 /* Created:  June 1983 by G. Palter */
 4 /* Options for the mlsys_utils_$format_message and mlsys_utils_$print_message entrypoints */
 6 dcl  1 format_message_options aligned based (format_message_options_ptr),
 7        2 version character (8) unaligned,
 8        2 line_length fixed binary,                          /* line length to be used to format/print the message */
 9        2 envelope_formatting_mode fixed binary,             /* level of detail to be displayed for the envelope ... */
10        2 header_formatting_mode fixed binary,               /* ... for the message ... */
11        2 redistributions_list_formatting_mode fixed binary, /* ... and for the redistributions list ... */
12        2 include_body bit (1) aligned;                      /* ON => include message body when formatting/printing;
13                                                                OFF => exclude the message body */
15 dcl  FORMAT_MESSAGE_OPTIONS_VERSION_1 character (8) static options (constant) initial ("mlsfmo01");
17 dcl  format_message_options_ptr pointer;
20 /* Defined formatting modes */
22 dcl  (NONE_FORMATTING_MODE              initial (0),        /* exclude this part of the message */
23       BRIEF_FORMATTING_MODE             initial (1),        /* include only minimal information from this part of the
24                                                                message; not valid for the envelope */
25       DEFAULT_FORMATTING_MODE           initial (2),        /* include default amount of information from this part */
26       LONG_FORMATTING_MODE              initial (3))        /* include all information from this part of the message */
27           fixed binary static options (constant);
29 /* END INCLUDE FILE ... mlsys_format_options.incl.pl1 */