1 /* BEGIN INCLUDE FILE menu_dcls.incl.pl1
  2    declarations for the menu_ subroutines MTB 493
  3    James R. Davis 26 Jan 81  to 20 Februrary 81
  4 */
  6 /* format: off */
  8 dcl menu_$create      entry (
  9           (*) char (*) varying,                             /* input: choices */
 10           (*) char (*) varying,                             /* input: headers */
 11           (*) char (*) varying,                             /* input: trailers */
 12           pointer,                                          /* input: to format info */
 13           (*) char (1) unal,                                /* input: keys to use */
 14           pointer,                                          /* input: to area */
 15           pointer,                                          /* input: to needs str. */
 16           pointer,                                          /* to menu: output */
 17           fixed bin (35)                                    /* code */
 18                                     );
 20 dcl menu_$display entry (
 21           pointer,                                          /* window */
 22           pointer,                                          /* menu */
 23           fixed bin (35)                                    /* code */
 24                                     );
 26 dcl menu_$get_choice entry (
 27           pointer,                                          /* window */
 28           pointer,                                          /* menu */
 29           pointer,                                          /* to function key info */
 30           bit (1) aligned,                                  /* function key hi: output */
 31           fixed bin,                                        /* output: selection number */
 32           fixed bin (35)                                    /* output: code */
 33                                     );
 35 dcl menu_$describe entry (
 36           pointer,                                          /* menu */
 37           pointer,                                          /* needs */
 38           fixed bin (35)                                    /* code */
 39                                     );
 41 dcl menu_$destroy entry (
 42           pointer,                                          /* menu */
 43           fixed bin (35)                                    /* code */
 44                                     );
 46 dcl menu_$store entry (
 47           character (*),
 48           character (*),
 49           character (*),
 50           bit (1) aligned,
 51           pointer,
 52           fixed bin (35));
 54 dcl menu_$retrieve entry (
 55           character (*),
 56           character (*),
 57           character (*),
 58           pointer,
 59           pointer,
 60           fixed bin (35));
 61 dcl  menu_$delete entry (
 62           character (*),
 63           character (*),
 64           character (*),
 65           fixed binary (35));
 67 dcl  menu_$list entry (
 68           character (*),
 69           character (*),
 70           character (*),
 71           pointer,
 72           fixed bin,
 73           pointer,
 74           fixed bin (35));
 76      dcl     1 menu_format          aligned based (menu_format_ptr),
 77                2 version            fixed bin,
 78                2 constraints,
 79                  3 max_width        fixed bin,
 80                  3 max_height       fixed bin,
 81                2 n_columns          fixed bin,
 82                2 flags,
 83                  3 center_headers   bit (1) unal,
 84                  3 center_trailers  bit (1) unal,
 85                  3 pad              bit (34) unal,
 86                2 pad_char           char (1);
 88      dcl     1 menu_requirements    aligned based (menu_requirements_ptr),
 89                2 version            fixed bin,
 90                2 lines_needed       fixed bin,
 91                2 width_needed       fixed bin,
 92                2 n_options          fixed bin;
 94      dcl     menu_format_ptr        pointer;
 95      dcl     menu_requirements_ptr  pointer;
 97      dcl     (menu_format_version_1, menu_requirements_version_1)
 98                                     fixed bin internal static init (1) options (constant);
100      dcl     MENU_OPTION_KEYS       (35) char (1) unal internal static
101                                     options (constant) init
102           ("1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9",
103           "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I",
104           "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R",
105           "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z");
107 /* END INCLUDE FILE ... menu_dcls.incl.pl1 */