1 /* Begin include file memo_segment_v3.incl.pl1  7 Feb 1973 */
 2 /* Renamed to memo_segment_v3, etc. 11/11/79 W. Olin Sibert */
 4 dcl 1 memo_segment_v3 aligned based,                        /* A memo segment */
 5     2 version fixed bin (35),                               /* Currently zero */
 6     2 max_number_used fixed bin (35),                       /* The highest entry known to be used */
 7     2 memo_entry_v3 (1000) aligned,                         /* One entry per memo */
 8       3 taken bit (36) aligned,                             /* Zero if this entry free */
 9       3 flags aligned,                                      /* data about this memo */
10         4 print bit (1) unaligned,                          /* normal type memo */
11         4 alarm bit (1) unaligned,                          /* alarm type */
12         4 execute bit (1) unaligned,                        /* execute type */
13         4 repeatsw bit (1) unaligned,                       /* has repeat string */
14         4 pad1 bit (32) unaligned,                          /* not used */
15       3 pad2 bit (36) aligned,                              /* not used */
16       3 time fixed bin (35),                                /* time this memo matures */
17       3 data char (132) aligned,                            /* the memo message */
18       3 repeat char (32) aligned;                           /* the repeat string */
20 /* End include file memo_segment_v3.incl.pl1 */