1 /* BEGIN mdbm_rs_info.incl.pl1 -- jaw, 6/15/78 (from mda, 6/15/77) */
 3 dcl 1 rs_info aligned,
 4     2 version fixed init (2),                               /* must be set to 1 or 2 (Input) */
 5     2 flags aligned,
 6       3 lock_sw bit (1) unal,                               /* Input -- if ="1"b  try to lock record */
 7       3 unlock_sw bit (1) unal,                             /* Input -- if ="1"b try to unlock record */
 8       3 create_sw bit (1) unal,                             /* Input--if set creat new record */
 9       3 locate_sw bit (1) unal,                             /* Input--if set causes current rec to be
10                                                                located outside the index by descrip, or created without key */
11       3 inc_ref_count bit (1) unal,                         /* Input--bump reference count of record, if stationary */
12       3 dec_ref_count bit (1) unal,                         /* Input--decrement ref count if this flag set and
13                                                                record stationary */
14       3 locate_pos_sw bit (1) unal,                         /* Input--if set the record_length is taken
15                                                                as an input arg. spec. the abs. logical record position
16                                                                \        to which both current and next will be set */
17       3 mbz1 bit (29) unal,                                 /* must be set to "0"b, reserved for future use */
18     2 record_length fixed (21),                             /* length in bytes, Input if create_sw set */
19     2 max_rec_len fixed (21),                               /* max length of contained record
20                                                                Input if create_sw is set--overrides min_block_size */
21     2 record_ptr ptr,                                       /* points to first byte of record--will be word aligned */
22     2 descriptor fixed (35),                                /* Input if locate_sw set and create_sw="0"b */
23     2 ref_count fixed (34),                                 /* Output--should match number of keys on this record--
24                                                                = -1 if non-stationary record */
25     2 time_last_modified fixed (71),                        /* Output */
26     2 modifier fixed (35),                                  /* Output--also Input when locking */
27     2 block_ptr ptr unal,                                   /* Output */
28     2 mbz2 (2) fixed init (0, 0);
30 /* END mdbm_rs_info.incl.pl1 */