1 /* BEGIN mdbm_rm_db_info.incl.pl1 -- jaw, 11/7/78 */
  6   1) change(86-08-13,Hergert),, approve(88-06-28,MCR7903),
  7      audit(88-06-28,Dupuis), install(88-08-01,MR12.2-1073):
  8      Removed change of 84-11-02. i.e. replaced even_word_pad.
  9                                                    END HISTORY COMMENTS */
 12 /* WARNING
 13           If the rm_db_info structure is changed then the mrds_data_
 14           item saved_res_version MUST be incremented to invalidate all
 15           existing saved resultants
 16 */
 18 /*  DESCRIPTION:  This  structure   is   based   on   a   segment
 19    {unique_name}.mrds.rdbi that represents the secure portion of the
 20    resultant model that is created partially at database open  time,
 21    (the rm_file_array, and rm_rel_array) and partially at ready_file
 22    time,    (the    rm_file_info,     rm_rel_info,     rm_attr_info,
 23    rm_domain_info, rm_plink_info and rm_clink_info). it's purpose is
 24    to  provide  an  efficient  means  of  accessing  database  model
 25    information, as seen from the possibly submodel view of the user,
 26    and his current state of "files readied". it is the  secure  part
 27    because  it  contains  the  model  information  which needs to be
 28    protected  from  general  knowledge,  and   this   segment   will
 29    eventually  be  capable  of  being in a lower ring. the structure
 30    itself points to four arrays that are  allocated  in  it's  area,
 31    that  in  turn point to the other structures mentions above, also
 32    allocated in  the  rm_db_info.static_area.  the  arrays  are  the
 33    rm_file_array,  and  rm_rel_array. their are a pair for temporary
 34    relations,  initially  empty,  and  a  pair  for   normal   model
 35    files/relations.  the  normal  rm_file_array  is initialized to a
 36    list of all known file names, the rm_rel_array only gets relation
 37    names   as   files  are  readied.  the  rm_file_array  points  to
 38    rm_file_infos for each file (see mdbm_rm_file_info.incl.pl1)  and
 39    the   rm_rel_array   points  to  rm_rel_info  for  each  relation
 40    "readied". (see mdbm_rm_rel_info.incl.pl1). (the  arrays  are  in
 41    mdbm_rm_file_array.incl.pl1  and mdbm_rm_rel_array.incl.pl1). the
 42    file infos point to contained rel infos, the rel infos  point  to
 43    contained  attr  infos,  and  those in turn to domain infos. (see
 44    mdbm_rm_attr_info.incl.pl1   and    mdbm_rm_domain_info.incl.pl1)
 45    foreign     keys    are    represented    by    the    structures
 46    mdbm_rm_plink_info.incl.pl1, and mdbm_rm_clink_info.incl.pl1. the
 47    pathnames  of the model and submodel, if any, are also maintained
 48    in rm_db_info. the pointer to this rm_db_info segment is obtained
 49    from  the  dbcb  segment tructure(see mrds_dbcb.incl.pl1) see the
 50    individual include files for  further  organization  information,
 51    and particular data structures.
 53    HISTORY:
 55    80-02-01 Jim Gray : Modified to put area on even  word  boundary,
 56    so that define_area_ could be used to make it an extensible area
 58    81-1-9 Jim  Gray  :  added  like  reference  to  make  the  phony
 59    resultant in mu_database_index easier to keep, since no reference
 60    to the area is needed.
 62    81-1-12 Jim Gray : added version of submodel used in  opening  to
 63    resultant.
 65    81-05-13 Rickie E. Brinegar: added the administrator bit  to  the
 66    structure.
 68    81-05-28 Jim Gray : removed pointers to file_arrays,  since  they
 69    are  now  combined  into  the rel_array. Removed the control file
 70    info which was unused. Added pointer  to  head  of  domain  list,
 71    which is to be used to insure only one copy of each domain info.
 73    83-05-19 Davids: Added the  saved_res_version element.
 75    84-11-02 Thanh Nguyen:   Replaced  the  even_word_pad   by   the
 76    ref_name_proc_ptr  to point  to list  of reference  name of  the
 77    check, encode, or decode proc.
 79    CAUTION: The structure entries from db_version to sm_path  should
 80    not  be moved or have their declarations changed because they are
 81    used in the handling of old version database openings.
 84 */
 86      dcl     1 rm_db_info           aligned based (rdbi_ptr), /* data base info, located at base of res. dm. seg. */
 87                2 data               like rm_db_info_data,
 88                2 static_area        area (sys_info$max_seg_size - fixed (rel (addr (rm_db_info.static_area))));
 90      dcl     rdbi_ptr               ptr;
 92      declare 1 rm_db_info_data      based,                  /* separate declaration of info, so others can use
 93                                                                like reference to it without getting the area as well */
 94                2 db_version         fixed bin,              /* version no. of db */
 95                2 sm_version         fixed bin unal,         /* version of submodel used unal, 0 if model opening */
 96                2 val_level          fixed bin unal,         /* validation level for this db. */
 97                2 db_path            char (168),             /* abs. path of db. */
 98                2 sm_path            char (168),             /* path of submodel or model */
 99                2 mdbm_secured       bit (1) unal,           /* ON => database is secured */
100                2 administrator      bit (1) unal,           /* ON => user is an administrator */
101                2 pad                bit (34) unal,          /* for future use */
102                2 saved_res_version  char (8),               /* version of the saved resultant in the
103                                                                dbcb and rdbi segments in the db dir */
104                2 domain_list_ptr    ptr,                    /* pointer to head of list of domain_info's */
105                2 ra_ptr             ptr,                    /* pointer to rel. array */
106                2 tra_ptr            ptr,                    /* to rel array for temp rels */
107                2 even_word_pad      fixed bin (71) aligned; /* padding to put area on even word boundary */
109 /* END mdbm_rm_db_info.incl.pl1 */