1 /* BEGIN mdbm_descriptor.incl.pl1 -- jaw 5/31/78 */
 2 /* modified by Jim Gray - - Nov. 1979, to change type from fixed bin(5) to
 3    unsigned fixed bin(6), so new packed decimal data types could be handled.
 4    also the duplicate mrds_descriptor.incl.pl1 was eliminated. */
 6 dcl 1 descriptor based (desc_ptr),                          /* map of Multics descriptor */
 7     2 version bit (1) unal,                                 /* DBM handles vers. 1 only */
 8     2 type unsigned fixed bin (6) unal,                     /* data type */
 9     2 packed bit (1) unal,                                  /* on if data item is packed */
10     2 number_dims bit (4) unal,                             /* dimensions */
11     2 size,                                                 /* size for string data */
12       3 scale bit (12) unal,                                /* scale for num. data */
13       3 precision bit (12) unal,                            /* prec. for num. data */
14     2 array_info (num_dims),
15       3 lower_bound fixed bin (35),                         /* lower bound of dimension */
16       3 upper_bound fixed bin (35),                         /* upper bound of dimension */
17       3 multiplier fixed bin (35);                          /*  element separation */
19 dcl  desc_ptr ptr;
20 dcl  num_dims fixed bin init (0) ;                          /* more useful form of number_dims */
22 /* END mdbm_descriptor.incl.pl1 */