1 /* BEGIN INCLUDE FILE mdbm_acs_ctrl.incl.pl1 -- jccj 5/26/78 */
 2 /* modified by Mary Ward -- October, 1979 */
 4 dcl 1 acs_ctrl aligned based (ac_ptr),                      /* base of segment */
 5     2 version fixed bin unal,                               /* version number of this structure */
 6     2 first_offset bit (18) unal,                           /* point to first name */
 7     2 lock bit (36),                                        /* inconsistent when lock is not zero */
 8     2 user_id char (32) unaligned,                          /* user who has lock set */
 9     2 ac_area area (sys_info$max_seg_size - fixed (rel (addr (acs_ctrl.ac_area))) - 1);
11 dcl  ac_ptr ptr;
14 dcl 1 rel_att aligned based (ra_ptr),                       /* info about relation or attribute that is secured */
15     2 item char (98),                                       /* complete name of secured relation or attribute */
16    (2 u_name char (24),                                     /* unique name created for this entry */
17     2 acs_used char (24),                                   /* acs acl that is used. acs's are created before
18                                                                this variable is set */
19     2 orig_name char (24),                                  /* acs name that was previously associated with this entry */
20     2 next_offset bit (18),                                 /* offset to next in threaded list */
21     2 to_be_modified bit (1),                               /* on if acl is to be modified.
22                                                                a
23                                                                reset after modification is complete */
24     2 modified bit (1),                                     /* on if acl has been modified. */
25     2 shared_acs bit (1),                                   /* the acl of acs_used is shared by
26                                                                many secured relations or attributes */
27     2 last bit (1),                                         /* make this the last entry.. used for recovery
28                                                                free rel_att structure pointed to by next_offset */
29     2 extended_access bit (1),                              /* extended access rights have been specified */
30     2 relation bit (1),                                     /* on if this is a relation entry */
31     2 delete bit (1),                                       /* for error recovery - entry must be deleted */
32     2 pad bit (11)) unaligned;
34 dcl  ra_ptr ptr;
36 /* END INCLUDE FILE mdbm_acs_ctrl.incl.pl1 */