1 /* BEGIN INCLUDE FILE ... mcs_modes_change_list.incl.pl1 */
 3 /* Created 4/9/79 by J. Stern */
 4 /* Modified: 10 November 1980 by G. Palter to add can_type */
 7 dcl  mclp ptr;
 8 dcl  mcl_version_2 fixed bin int static options (constant) init (2);
10 dcl 1 mcl aligned based (mclp),                             /* modes change list */
11       2 version fixed bin,                                  /* version number of this structure (Input) */
12       2 n_entries fixed bin,                                /* number of mode change entries (Input) */
13       2 line_len fixed bin,                                 /* new line length (-1 => no change) (Input) */
14       2 page_len fixed bin,                                 /* new page length (-1 => no change) (Input) */
15       2 can_type fixed binary,                              /* new canonicalization type (-1 => no change) (Input) */
16       2 flags,
17         3 init bit (1) unal,                                /* ON if all modes to be reinitialized (Input) */
18         3 ll_error bit (1) unal,                            /* ON if line length error detected (Output) */
19         3 pl_error bit (1) unal,                            /* ON if page length error detected (Output) */
20         3 can_type_error bit (1) unaligned,                 /* ON if can_type error detected (Output) */
21         3 mbz bit (32) unal,
22       2 entries (36) like mcle;                              /* one entry per mode change */
24 dcl  mclep ptr;
26 dcl 1 mcle aligned based (mclep),                           /* mode change list entry */
27       2 mode_name char (16) unal,                           /* name of mode to change (Input) */
28       2 flags,
29         3 mode_switch bit (1) unal,                         /* ON to turn mode on, else OFF (Input) */
30         3 force bit (1) unal,                               /* ON to ignore errors for this mode change (Input) */
31         3 mpx_mode bit (1) unal,                            /* ON if mode recognized by multiplexer (Output) */
32         3 error bit (1) unal,                               /* ON if mode change is in error (Output) */
33         3 mbz bit (32) unal;
36 /* END INCLUDE FILE ... mcs_modes_change_list.incl.pl1 */