1 /* Begin mca_config_file.incl.pl1 */
  5   1) change(86-03-19,Fawcett), approve(86-03-19,MCR7374),
  6      audit(86-04-28,Lippard), install(86-09-16,MR12.0-1159):
  7      This is used to view the configuration file obtained from the MCA.
  8                                                    END HISTORY COMMENTS */
 10 /* Created by R. A. Fawcett Sept 1984 based on data obtained from
 11    "EPS-1 Dipper Firmware Loading" Rev B   (July 05x 1983)
 12    section 3.5.1 starting on sheet 25 */
 14 dcl  mca_config_file_ptr ptr;
 16 dcl 1 mca_config_file based (mca_config_file_ptr),
 17     2 diskette_data,                                        /* total of 20 chars (bytes) */
 18       3 unique_id char (8),                                 /* User ID assiged to diskette from which FW was loaded */
 19       3 date_created char (6),                              /* MMDDYY */
 20       3 date_late_changed char (6),                         /* MMDDYY */
 21     2 iioc_data,                                            /* total of 31 chars (bytes) */
 22       3 iioc_config char (8),                               /* mca path_name of file used to load from */
 23       3 iioc_state_control,
 24         4 will_be_zero_1 bit (1),                           /* zero because of 8 bit-byte to 9 bit-byte */
 25         4 state_counter fixed bin (5) unsigned unal,        /* values are not defined */
 26                                                             /* control bits ??? */
 27         4 RFU_1 bit (1),
 28         4 RFU_2 bit (1),
 29         4 write_protect_ptw_sw bit (1),
 30       3 operating_system fixed bin (9) unal unsigned,       /* better be a value equal to Multics */
 31       3 iioc_num fixed bin (9) unal unsigned,               /* the number of the imu  */
 32       3 iioc_disk_tab fixed bin (9) unal unsigned,
 33                                                             /* The value of the TAB number of the Diskette_Product_Set
 34                                                                containing the proper revision of diagnostics for IIOC */
 35       3 p_s_disk_tab fixed bin (9) unal unsigned,
 36                                                             /* same as iioc_disk_tab only for the Port Select */
 37       3 port_select_state fixed bin (9) unal unsigned,
 38                                                             /* State counter values will exists which uniquely define:
 39                                                                o P. S. not loaded
 40                                                                o Single port
 41                                                                o Load failed
 42                                                                o Read failed
 43                                                                o Verify failed
 44                                                                o P. S. loaded */
 45       3 config_valid char (1),                              /* ascii number of drive this config was read from. if value = "000"b3 drive door has been opened. */
 46       3 iioc_rfu char (2),
 47     2 bootstrap_data,                                       /* total of 15 chars (bytes) */
 48       3 control fixed bin (9) unal unsigned,
 49                                                             /* 0 = bootstrap not configured
 50                                                                1 = bootstrap allowed
 51                                                                2 = auto boot at power up  */
 52       3 imu_port_at_scu fixed bin (9) unal unsigned,        /* port number for bootstrap (0 to 7) */
 53       3 chan_num fixed bin (9) unal unsigned,               /* bootstrap channel number (8 to 63) */
 54       3 dev_num fixed bin (9) unal unsigned,                /* bootstrap device number (1 to 63) */
 55       3 int_base char (4),
 56       3 mb_base char (4),
 57       3 boot_src fixed bin (9) unal unsigned,               /* bootstrap source 1=card, 2=tape, 3=disk */
 58       3 unatt_op fixed bin (9) unal unsigned,               /* 1 = unattended operation */
 59       3 boot_rfu bit (9),
 60     2 port_data (0:3),                                      /* total 28 chars (bytes) */
 61       3 enable fixed bin (9) unal unsigned,                 /* 1 = port enable */
 62       3 init fixed bin (9) unal unsigned,                   /* 1 = init allowed */
 63       3 ilace char (1),                                     /* no interlace = "000"b3, A,B,C,D = the other port for interlace */
 64       3 port_size,
 65         4 msb_ign1 bit (1),
 66         4 msb bit (8),
 67         4 lsb_ign1 bit (1),
 68         4 lsb bit (8),
 69       3 disk_tab fixed bin (9) unal unsigned,               /* value of TAB number of the
 70                                                                D_P_S containing the proper revision of diagnostics
 71                                                                for port adapter. */
 72       3 assignment fixed bin (9) unal unsigned,             /* (0 - 3) */
 73     2 channel_data (0:15),                                  /* total of 160 bytes */
 74       3 lvl_1_state fixed bin (9) unal unsigned,            /* State counter valuse define:
 75                                                                = No config present
 76                                                                = Not configured
 77                                                                = Phyically not present
 78                                                                = Basic ROM test failed (mico IPCs only)
 79                                                                = Jam test failed (mico IPCs only)
 80                                                                = Self test failed  (mico IPCs only)
 81                                                                = HW ID does not match config ID
 82                                                                = Console set up failed (console only)
 83                                                                = RSO failed (PSIA only)
 84                                                                = FW not found on diskette (FW loadable IPCS only)
 85                                                                = Alter file not found
 86                                                                = Alter load failed
 87                                                                = FW execute failed (FW loadable IPCS only)
 88                                                                = Operational
 89                                                                = Stop On condition occured
 90                                                                */
 91       3 lvl_1_ctl_att,
 92         4 ctl_ign1 bit (1),
 93         4 ctl1 bit (1),                                     /* if master console true = rmt_maint
 94                                                                else true = RSO required at init */
 95         4 ctl2 bit (1),                                     /* if master console true = master
 96                                                                else reserved of future use */
 97         4 ctl3 bit (1),                                     /* if master console true = active/slave
 98                                                                else true = 18X */
 99         4 ctl_p2 bit (5),
100       3 disk_tab fixed bin (9) unal unsigned,
101                                                             /* Tab number of the D_P_S containing the proper revision of diagnostics for this adapter */
102       3 fw_id_ign1 bit (1),
103       3 fw_id bit (8),                                      /* this will become the 8th char in path_name???? */
104       3 lvl_1_id_ign1 bit (1),
105       3 no_lev_2 bit (1),                                   /* true = Do not ask for lvl-2 info. */
106       3 micro_ctl bit (1),                                  /* true = micro-procesor controled */
107       3 fbus_latch bit (1),                                 /* true = F-Bus Disable Latch is true */
108       3 lvl_1_id_type fixed bin (5) unsigned unal,          /* unique Lvl-1 type */
109       3 fw_rev char (1),
110       3 prim_ch_num fixed bin (9) unal unsigned,            /* primary channel number (8 to 63) */
111       3 num_of_log_ch fixed bin (9) unal unsigned,          /* number of logical channels */
112       3 num_of_busses fixed bin (9) unal unsigned,          /* number of data busses */
113       3 cont_byte_ign1 bit (1),
114       3 cont_byte_rfu bit (5),
115       3 cont_byte_soc bit (1),                              /* true = Stop-On-Condition present */
116       3 cont_byte_mpfp bit (1),                             /* true = maint. panel fuction present */
117       3 cont_byte_mc bit (1),                               /* true = has been set to Master Console */
118     2 adapter_data (0:15, 0:7),
119       3 lvl_2_state fixed bin (9) unal unsigned,
120       3 lvl_2_clt_att fixed bin (9) unal unsigned,
121       3 disk_tab fixed bin (9) unal unsigned,
122       3 fw_idfixed bin (9) unal unsigned,
123       3 lvl_2_id fixed bin (9) unal unsigned,
124       3 fw_rev_ign1 bit (1),
125       3 fw_rev bit (8),
126       3 rfu bit (1),
127  2 uses_less_data char (200);
130 /* End mca_config_file.incl.pl1 */