1 /*  START OF:       mbuild_info_.incl.pl1                     *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  * */
  5   1) change(2019-08-17,GDixon), approve(2019-10-24,MCR10069),
  6      audit(2020-01-20,Swenson), install(2020-01-20,MR12.6g-0035):
  7      Declarations for the seg_type, paradigm, and mbuild thread names described
  8      by the data structures in mbuild_info_.cds.
  9                                                    END HISTORY COMMENTS */
 12           /*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *   */
 13           /*                                                                                                */
 14           /* Name:  mbuild_info_.incl.pl1                                                                   */
 15           /*                                                                                                */
 16           /* Function:  declare structures to hold data which tailors operations of the mbuild subsystem.   */
 17           /*                                                                                                */
 18           /* Notes:                                                                                         */
 19           /*  The seg_types and bld_paradigms substructures may be displayed using the mbuild_type          */
 20           /*  command/active function.  The thread_selectors and thread_summary substructures are used      */
 21           /*  only within mbuild error messages and usage information messages.                             */
 22           /*                                                                                                */
 23           /*  Data populating these structures is defined in the mbuild_info_.cds file.                     */
 24           /*                                                                                                */
 25           /*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *   */
 27   dcl mbuild_info_$seg_types fixed bin external static;
 29   dcl 1 mbuild_info                    aligned based (addr (mbuild_info_$seg_types)),
 30         2 seg_types,
 31           3 segN                       fixed bin,
 32           3 seg_type_info              (0 refer (mbuild_info.seg_types.segN)),
 33             4 type_ID                  fixed bin,           /* numeric identifier for this seg_type array entry.      */
 34             4 source_starname          char (32) var,       /* e.g., **.pl1, **.incl.pl1, bound_*.**.s.archive        */
 35             4 description              char (60) var,       /* content of segs having this source_suffix.             */
 36             4 mbuild_type              char (20) var,       /* mbuild Seg(<type>) field value for this segment type.  */
 37             4 build_paradigm           fixed bin,           /* index of build/install paradigm for this source_suffix */
 38             4 compiler                 char (32) var,       /* name of compiler/translator for this seg (if any)      */
 39             4 default_compile_options  char (32) var,       /* options used when building to install in Multics libs. */
 40             4 intermediate_suffix      char (12) var,       /* suffix of intermediate file generated by compiler      */
 41             4 object_suffix            char (12) var,       /* suffix of seg generated by compiler                    */
 42             4 default_library          char (32) var,       /* default library which holds this type of file          */
 43                                                             /*  (used when adding new files).                         */
 44         2 bld_paradigms,
 45           3 paradigmN                  fixed bin,
 46           3 bld_paradigm_info          (0 refer (mbuild_info.bld_paradigms.paradigmN)),
 47             4 name                     char(32) var,        /* ex: compile, source_x_only, ...                        */
 48                                                             /*  Names never contain periods or spaces.                */
 49             4 purpose                  char(76) var,        /* what does this build_type do.                          */
 50             4 examples                 char(70) var,        /* typical seg types using this paradigm.                 */
 51             4 steps                    char(1600) var,      /* steps involved in paradigm                             */
 53         2 thread_selectors,
 54           3 selectorN,
 55           3 selector_info              (0 refer (mbuild_info.thread_selectors.selectorN)),
 56             4 sel_ID                   char(16) var,        /* selector ID string                                     */
 57             4 sel_value                fixed bin,           /* selector value: one of the following constants:        */
 58         2 thread_summary,
 59           3 summaryN fixed bin,
 60           3 selector_summary           (0 refer (mbuild_info.thread_summary.summaryN)) char(32) var;
 61                                                             /* Summary of sel_ID possible values for error msg.       */
 63   dcl (PDM_source                      init(1),             /* Compile, schedule bind, if part of bound seg;          */
 64                                                             /*  otherwise, install in ldd and x dirs.                 */
 65        PDM_bindfile                    init(2),             /* Bind instructions, only found in bound obj archive.    */
 66                                                             /*  (ex: bound_pl1_.bind)                                 */
 67        PDM_source_arch                 init(3),             /* No compile, just install in ldd source dir.            */
 68                                                             /*  (ex: bound_pl1_.**.s.archive)                         */
 69        PDM_object_arch                 init(4),             /* Bind a bound seg; install source/object archives in    */
 70                                                             /*  ldd; install bound object in x dir.                   */
 71        PDM_Bound_obj                   init(5),             /* Install executable bound segment in x dir.             */
 72                                                             /*  (ex: bound_pl1_)                                      */
 73        PDM_Unbound_obj                 init(6),             /* Install unbound object in x dir.                       */
 74                                                             /*  (ex: hcs_ compiled from hcs_.alm)                     */
 75        PDM_target_only                 init(7),             /* No compiles; just install in target dir.               */
 76                                                             /*  (ex: info segs, include files, bound_xxx_.s.archive)  */
 77        PDM_listing                     init(8),             /* No compiles; just install in listing.                  */
 78                                                             /*  (ex: pl1.list, probe.list, hcs_.list)                 */
 79        PDM_source_x_only               init(9),             /* No compile, just install in ldd source and x dirs.     */
 80                                                             /*  (ex: admin.ec, >ldd>unb>s>tss_basic_::*.basic)        */
 81        PDM_object_x_only               init(10),            /* No compile or archive; install in ldd object and x.    */
 82                                                             /*  (ex: TTF.ttf, pl1.dcl)                                */
 83        PDM_mbuild_support              init(11),            /* No compile or archive or install; support file created */
 84                                                             /*  or used by the mbuild subsystem.                      */
 85                                                             /*  (ex: MCR10056.mb, MCR10056.mb.il)                     */
 87        SEG_INTERMEDIATE                init(12),            /* Seg-specific thread types.                             */
 88        SEG_scan                        init(13),
 90        STRUCT_BOUNDOBJ                 init(14),            /* Per-Structure thread types.                            */
 91        STRUCT_COMPILE                  init(15),
 92        STRUCT_Seg                      init(16),
 93        STRUCT_UNBOUNDOBJ               init(17)
 94          ) fixed bin int static options(constant);
 96   dcl 1 segt aligned like mbuild_info.seg_types.seg_type_info based(segtP),
 97        segtP ptr;
 99   dcl 1 pdm aligned like mbuild_info.bld_paradigms.bld_paradigm_info based(pdmP);
100   dcl  pdmP ptr;
102   dcl 1 seg_type_switches aligned,                          /* Switches to select structure elements for display.     */
103         2 (source_starnameS,
104            descriptionS,
105            mbuild_typeS,
106            build_paradigmS,
107            build_stepsS,
108            compilerS,
109            default_compile_optionsS,
110            intermediate_suffixS,
111            object_suffixS,
112            default_libraryS
113            ) bit(1) unaligned,
114         2  pad bit(26) unaligned;
116   dcl 1 bld_paradigm_switches aligned,                      /* Switches to select structure elements for display.     */
117         2 (nameS,
118            purposeS,
119            examplesS,
120            stepsS
121            ) bit(1) unaligned,
122         2  pad bit(32) unaligned;
125 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
126    Threads anchored in build_data structure (see mbuild_data_.incl.pl1):
128     build_data.XXX_Tb   Structure      Selector ID            Purpose
129      XXX can be
130     -----------------  ------------   ----------------       --------------------
131      BOUNDOBJ          BOUNDOBJ       BOUNDOBJ, BND          All BOUNDOBJ structures.
132      COMPILE           COMPILE        COMPILE, COMP          All COMPILE structures.
134      Seg               Seg            Seg, seg               All Seg structures.
136      Unbound_obj       Seg            Unbound_obj, Unb       All Seg(Unbound_obj) structures.
137      Bound_obj         Seg            Bound_obj, Bnd         All Seg(Bound_obj) structures.
138      bindfile          Seg            bindfile, bind         All Seg(bindfile) structures.
139      object_arch       Seg            object_arch, oArch     All Seg(object_arch) structures.
140      source_arch       Seg            source_arch, sArch     All Seg(source_arch) structures.
141      source            Seg            source, src            All Seg(source) structures, except intermediate sources.
142      listing           Seg            listing, list          All Seg(listing) structures.
143      mbuild_support    Seg            support, sup           All Seg(Build_xxx) structures.
144      target_only       Seg            target_only, target    All Seg(...) structures except those above.
145      object_x_only     Seg            object_x, o.x          All Seg(...) structures for object_x paradigm segs.
147      scan              Seg            scan                   Segments found in install dir before building; never cleaned!
148      INTERMEDIATE      Seg            INTERMEDIATE, inter    Some Seg(source) structures that aren't installed.
149    ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
151 /*  END OF:         mbuild_info_.incl.pl1                     *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  * */